Who’s Funding the Anti-Trump Resistance? The Money Trail Leads Back to Soros

The Washington Free Beacon broke the story revealing the donors of the anti-Trump “resistance.” The donation list is revealing on a number of levels.  It shows the extensive, spider-web interconnectivity of a network of leftist radicals and organizations, and it shows how they ensnare major corporations into financially supporting their radical, anti-American aims.

The list includes the usual suspects like George Soros and some suspects new to the political activist realm, namely, the NFL players’ union who were happy to join Soros in his latest astroturf efforts, manufacturing the appearance of wide-spread anti-Trump “resistance.”

In January, I wrote about the 50+ George Soros partners involved in funding the anti-Trump “women’s march.”

Predictably, the “grassroots” and “spontaneous” women’s march wasn’t so grassroots, after all.  It may have started as such, but things changed rather quickly.  Ultimately, more than 50 groups, PACs, and assorted organizations backed by billionaire agitator George Soros were deeply involved in the march.

A self-declared “life-long liberal Democrat who voted for Trump” uncovered the tangled web of the money trail for the New York Times.  Asra Q. Nomani explains that “the march really isn’t a ‘women’s march.’ It’s a march for women who are anti-Trump.   As someone who voted for Trump, I don’t feel welcome . . . .”

Part of the problem, she contends, is that the march is neither the spontaneous grassroots rallying cry for women nor the nonpartisan love-fest it was portrayed as being.  She decided to “follow the money” and discover what, if anything, that would reveal.

Although Soros ties are often difficult to follow as he revels in his role as hidden puppet master, Nomani ended up right back at his doorstep time after time.

It’s not surprising, then, to learn that the anti-Trump “resistance” is also heavily-funded by the billionaire rabble-rouser Soros and his expansive web of influence.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

The hidden donors to a prominent anti-Trump “resistance” organization are revealed in unredacted tax forms obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.The Center for Community Change Action, a Washington, D.C.-based progressive community organizing group that does not reveal its donors, has been involved in direct action against President Donald Trump and Republicans before and after the November elections. The organization’s members sit on the boards of other prominent liberal activist groups.. . . . The Open Society Foundation, a foundation run by liberal billionaire mega-donor George Soros, gave $1,750,000 to the Center for Community Change.. . . . The Center for Community Change Action, the “social welfare” (c)(4) arm of the group, additionally relies on a handful of donors for almost all of its funding, according to its documents that do not include the privacy redactions.Donors to its “social welfare” arm in 2015 included Every Citizen Counts ($1,750,000 contribution), a nonprofit that was created by allies of Hillary Clinton to mobilize Latino and African-American voters; the Open Society Policy Center ($1,475,000), another Soros group; the Sixteen Thirty Fund ($610,000), a progressive advocacy group; Center for Community Change ($150,000); Services Employees International Union (SEIU) ($150,000); Atlantic Philanthropies ($75,000); and the Tides Foundation ($50,000), the largest liberal donor-advised network, among other funders. [The Tides Foundation is directly linked to Soros’ Open Society Foundation.]The Center for Community Change Action has been involved with anti-Trump campaigns for some time now. The group’s members also sit on the advisory boards of other prominent liberal organizations.Deepak Bhargava, the executive director of the Center for Community Change, sits on the advisory board of George Soros’s Open Society Foundation.The “Families Fight Back” voter campaign was launched during the 2016 presidential election by the Center for Community Change Action, the Latino Victory Project, an immigration group co-founded by actress Eva Longoria, and America’s Voice, a group that fights for a “direct, fair, and inclusive road to citizenship for immigrants in the United States without papers.”Soros, who last year vowed to spend $15 million to court Hispanic voters, was for months the sole funder of the Immigrant Voters Win PAC, which was part of the “Families Fight Back” campaign.

Other Soros-linked entities are also funding the anti-Trump resistance, including those that fund and organize Black Lives Matter.

The Washington Free Beacon continues:

The Emergent Fund gives grants ranging from $10,000 to $50,000 and has provided financing to Black Lives Matter; the Center for Media Justice, which was created to “organize the most under-represented communities in a national movement for media rights”; the Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative; and United We Dream, the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the United States.The Center for Community Change later joined United We Dream for nationwide immigration protests leading up to Trump’s inauguration. United We Dream was additionally behind “sanctuary campus” anti-Trump protests across the country to protect undocumented students.Christina Jimenez, the co-founder and managing director of the United We Dream Network, herself attended high school and college as an undocumented immigrant.

The Emergent Fund is directly linked to Soros, as is the Center for Media Justice.  United We Dream is also, surprise surprise, connected directly to Soros.  The list goes on.  And on.

Soros has his divisive, hateful, and destructive footprints all over just about any and every leftist attempt at an insurgent political movement in recent memory.  Occupy?  Soros.  Antifa?  Soros.  Women’s March?  Soros.  LaRaza, newly rebranded?  Soros.

It’s actually quite amazing how he can con leftists into believing all these “organic movements” are their very own ideas, their passions.  He must be laughing his butt off at their supreme ignorance and malleability.  He has them, the dictionary definition of useful idiots, dancing to his tune.

Swept up in and funding the Soros-anti-Trump resistance are a variety of unions, including (to no one’s surprise) the NFL players’ union.

The Washington Times reports:

Even before its feud over the national anthem with President Trump, the NFL Players Association wasn’t on the same political team as many of its fans, judging from its contributions to leftist advocacy groups.Tax documents released by 2ndVote show the NFLPA donated $5,000 in 2015 to the Center for Community Change Action, a group active in the anti-Trump resistance and bankrolled by a host of liberal foundations, including top Democratic donor George Soros’s Foundation for Open Society.A member of the AFL-CIO, the NFLPA also contributed in 2013 and 2015 to Working America, the AFL-CIO’s community affiliate, which Open Secrets said spent $1 million in 2016 to defeat Trump.Working America has since mobilized against the Republican tax-cut framework, denouncing it as the “Trump tax scam.”The NFLPA contributed $5,000 in 2014 to Jobs with Justice, another pro-union group backed by Soros, and $5,000 in 2013 to the progressive Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy.The NFLPA donations from 2013, 2014 and 2015 were made before Mr. Trump was elected.. . . . The Center for Community Change, whose 2015 annual report lists Planned Parenthood as a donor, plans to honor Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer at its Oct. 12 awards dinner recognizing “heroes on the front lines of resistance.”

To their credit (or actually their fear of consumer backlash?), Ford and Kellogg are denying any involvement in Soros-linked anti-Trump activity.

Fox News reports:

Major U.S. companies are distancing themselves from like-named charities that were just revealed to have donated millions to a liberal, anti-Trump group.

The 2015 tax documents of the Center for Community Change, which does not disclose donors, were obtained and published this week by The Washington Free Beacon. Those documents reveal past contributions from charitable organizations like the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

In response to the reported donations, representatives of companies with historical ties to them, like the Kellogg Company and Ford Motor Company, are emphasizing that they have nothing to do with the contributions and are separate entities.. . . .  The Ford Foundation, started by the founders of the motor company in 1936, donated $2.35 million to the Center for Community Change, according to the Free Beacon report. But a spokesman for the automaker noted to Fox News that the Ford Motor Company has had no affiliation with the Ford Foundation for nearly four decades. Among those on the Board of Trustees for the Ford Foundation is Cecile Richards, president of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.The largest contribution came from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, which donated $3 million to the liberal group, according to the Free Beacon.The Kellogg Company acknowledged to Fox News that the foundation and the company were both established by W.K. Kellogg but said they are “two legally separate entities.”“As a result, we do not have information or influence on the foundation’s activities, programs or initiatives,” the food manufacturing company said in a statement.

This is damage control.  They know exactly what the Center for Community Change is and who is behind it; a quick Google search is all the research needed to uncover this much.

The Washington Free Beacon has updates from corporate sponsors of Soro-linked anti-Trump resistance.

UPDATE 10:30 AM: Following publication, a representative from Fidelity Charitable said that the donations under their name was recommended from individual donors who have donor-advised fund accounts with the group, and do not represent the views or endorsement of Fidelity Charitable or Fidelity Investments.Ford additionally added that although the charity was started by Ford family members, it is no longer connected to the Ford Motor Company.

The anti-Trump “resist we much” hordes are little more than the latest chapter in Soros’ attempts to undermine our great nation.  Are there people genuinely appalled by Trump?  Sure.  Just as so many of us were genuinely appalled by Obama, Clinton, and Carter.  Soros, though, sees and exploits the divisive leftist politics of destruction to a specific end.

That he finds so many willing zombie-bots convinced of their autonomy speaks to our standing in the culture war.

Tags: Culture, DACA, George Soros, Tom Steyer, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Women's March