WH Chief of Staff Kelly “Broken-Hearted” Over Dem Rep. Wilson’s Criticism of Trump’s Call to Soldier’s Widow
“I was stunned when I came to work yesterday morning”

White House chief of staff John Kelly held an impromptu press conference Thursday to address the disgusting spectacle created by Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-FL).
According to the WaEx, “Trump told the widow of one of the four soldiers killed in Niger this month that her husband “knew what he signed up for … but when it happens, it hurts anyway,” Wilson recounted on Tuesday.”
Trump made the comment while speaking to U.S. Army Sgt. La David Johnson’s widow, Myeshia Johnson, who is pregnant with her late husband’s third child. Trump called Myeshia Johnson just before her husband’s body arrived at the Miami International Airport on Tuesday. Wilson was with her in a limousine and heard the conversation via speakerphone, and after discussing the call with reporters has clashed with the White House on just what was said.
On Monday, Trump claimed that former President Barack Obama and other former presidents “didn’t often” make calls to grieving families. After a day of fallout, he shared in a radio interview that Kelly did not receive a call from Obama when his son was killed in Afghanistan in 2010.
Kelly, who was said to be surprised that Trump had shared that Obama hadn’t called him, defended Trump Thursday in response to Wilson’s claims.
Wilson accused Kelly of saying anything to try to keep his job.
An emotional Kelly explained how “broken-hearted” he was watching Rep. Wilson take aim at President Trump over something like the death of a soldier. “I was stunned when I came to work yesterday morning,” said Kelly.
Video: Gut-wrenching stuff as Gen. Kelly describes his emotions upon seeing Democratic Rep. Wilson parading around blasting Trump pic.twitter.com/1quiR8ta0R
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) October 19, 2017
Kelly, who lost a son in Afghanistan in 2010, explained why be believes then President Obama did not call to send his condolences.
“He asked me about previous presidents and I said I could tell you that President Obama — who was my commander in chief when I was on active duty — did not call my family. That was not a criticism. That was just to simply say I don’t believe President Obama called. That’s not a negative thing. I don’t believe President Bush called in all cases. I don’t believe any president particularly when the casualty rates are very, very high that presidents call. I believe they all write.”
Kelly explained that Trump sought his advice on how to make phone calls to the families of the four soldiers killed in Niger.
The full press conference is here:
Dr. Gina Louden pointed out, there’s really only one logical conclusion here and it’s that Rep. Wilson was out to make a name for herself:
On President Trump’s call to fallen soldier La David Johnson’s wife, the president’s motives are important…
Either the president called to wish the wife well, and to give her America’s condolences, or the president called to antagonize a fallen soldier’s wife.
When you consider the motive of the accuser, Congresswoman Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., there is a long history of evidence that could be considered to point to her motive to bring down this president.
But more importantly, fame is a great motivator. Most Americans, if surveyed, would say that they have never heard of Congresswoman Wilson before now, despite her many attempts to throw outlandish accusations at President Trump. There is a history of attention-getting behavior that has not worked. (For instance, she has repeatedly called for Trump’s impeachment and has called him mentally ill.)
For those desperately seeking attention, when their tactics to fill their appetite for attention don’t work, they seldom give up. Ordinarily, they take it to a new level.
After Kelly’s press conference, Wilson said she’ll shut her trap about Trump’s call to the Gold Star Widow:
Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., says she will no longer comment on a Gold Star widow’s phone call with President Trump after White House chief of staff John Kelly’s emotional press briefing in which he criticized the lawmaker for politicizing the call.
“The congresswoman will not be making any further comment on the issue because the focus should be on helping a grieving widow and family heal, not on her or Donald Trump,” Wilson’s spokesperson said in a statement Thursday.
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Wilson is, at best, unstable. At worst, she’s psychotic. But then, she’s a Democrat and instability pretty much goes with the territory (see: cognitive dissonance).
This will get sicker when this hateful woman gets invited on various tv talk shows and described as heroic.
Well, her spokescreature claimed that Wilson will not be making any further comments on this issue. Time will tell. After an epic beatdown like this, only the truly insane or idiotic would pick up that shovel and start digging again.
(Embrace the healing power of ‘and’ maybe?)
Have you ever heard Congresswoman Frederica Wilson speak? She really doesn’t have a very good command of the English language when speaking it, so I’m not going to put much stock in her interpretation of what she hears spoken.
All I can say is God Bless general Kelly!
What a class act and I am so glad he is in the White House.
Having lost a sibling in the past few months, I can say anyone outside of my family opining on the death in any way, especially like this. would evoke a most negative sentiment in my heart.
That’s kind way of saying this Rep Wilson should rot in hell. I can’t say the rest on the internet.
Am sincerely sorry for your loss, but you may enjoy hearing the TRUTH on this video tape I just found today! I’ve shared it on Twitter, Facebook, and Fox News.com so I hope you find it uplifting too. God bless and again…I’m truly sorry for your loss. 🙁
Wilson is truly nothing but a stupid piece of trash!
Karma is a *itch!
Appears she and Corinne Brown were separated at birth.
She is a throwback to many elected officials during Reconstruction.
It did take guts for Kelly to call her out.
Calling out an AA woman these days is not something that is particularly popular.
This AA woman wears a cowboy hat, so she is fair game. Or something.
It looks like a rodeo somewhere is missing its clown.
I’ll just say this.
The fact that President Trump called Mrs. Johnson, at all, should be cause for praise, regardless of the reasons why. That a Congresswoman would then mischaracterize the call in order to mount a political attack upon the Commander in Chief is beneath contempt. A brave man dies serving his country. And he, and his family, deserve better than what the Congresswoman is offering them. Whose death will she use for her own political gain next?
This Dumb-o-crat rep’s behavior is so nauseatingly emblematic of the contemporary Dumb-o-crat Party at-large, today — all infantile spite, vitriol, histrionics, self-serving self-aggrandizement and partisan fervor, with no modicum of self-awareness, tact, decorum, or (as if it needs to be pointed out) patriotism.
It’s simply sickening.
This is inaccurate. Rep. Wilson made that comment after the press conference, so it could not have led to it.
But more to the point, let me see if I’ve got this straight:
On Monday, Pres. Trump, in response to a question about why he hasn’t spoken publicly about the service-members killed in Niger (when he has done so regarding the deaths of other service-members), inexplicably brings up what he does to call the families of fallen service members. He says he will call them, he says he’s called ones in the past, and then he falsely claims Obama and most other presidents didn’t call the families of fallen service members.
So this was first brought up publicly, and politicized, by Pres. Trump.
Then, on Tuesday, Pres. Trump calls the families of Sgt. La David Johnson and the three other service-members killed in Niger. Rep. Wilson is with the family of Sgt. Johnson in a car, and the family-member called puts it on speakerphone. Later that day, the White House releases a statement saying Pres. Trump has called the families of all four service-members.
So, again, this was put out into the public by Pres. Trump’s administration.
Given that, why is Gen. Kelly so strongly condemning Rep. Wilson, who knew the family for decades as a result of Sgt. Johnson and his sibling’s participation in a youth development program run by her, for speaking out Tuesday night to give the family’s view of this event, but not Pres. Trump, who brought this whole thing into public view and politicized it in the first place? Why not also condemn, or even mention, Pres. Trump’s follow up on Wednesday morning, when he falsely claimed Rep. Wilson lied about the conversation, and also falsely claimed he had proof? How is Rep. Wilson the disrespectful one?
Is the point of your diatribe seriously intend to argue or prove that Congresswoman Wilson is acting honorably in all of this?
She’s ghoulish. Using a dead patriot only to score political points. If she had the claimed respect for either the jeri or the widow she would let it end. And she might spell the name correctly.
She gave the family’s view after Pres. Trump politicized the call before he even made it, and then today she did end it.
I do not see that as particularly dishonorable. That is in stark contrast to Pres. Trump politicizing these calls in the first place, or Pres. Trump making false claims about his predecessor, or Pres. Trump falsely claiming she lied about what was said and falsely claiming to have proof.
Is the point of your response really to defend all that Pres. Trump did here?
Both parties to this have acted abhorrently to me. You defend Wilson and implied she has been entirely honorable. If you want me to believe she was asked by the family to go public with their feelings, and to continue to its current scale, you need to show it.
I certainly did not “imply she has been entirely honorable”. Honor requires intent, I have no idea what her intent was. I know Sgt. Johnson’s mother has backed up Rep. Wilson’s account. My question is about why Gen. Kelly would berate and condemn Rep. Wilson, and not even mention Pres. Trump’s misdeeds, when Pres. Trump is clearly significantly more responsible for politicizing presidential condolences to the families of fallen service members, having brought it up, unprompted, in the first place, made false statements about his predecessor’s practice, and then made false statements about what he had said and falsely calling Rep. Wilson a liar afterwords. Whatever can be said about Rep. Wilson, there doesn’t seem to be any real evidence she did something against the wishes of the family. Maybe she did do something dishonorable, I don’t know, but Gen. Kelly certainly didn’t point anything out.
Awing1 said:
“made false statements about his predecessor’s practice”
I guess you did not listen to what Kelly said. He has first hand experience with it with Obama.
Put down the talking points.
Awing1 said
How do you live with yourself?
I guess you must have to ask yourself that. I personally experienced a lost of a family member in a nationally known tragedy in the 80’s. Wilson and the media are wrong here. I had to threaten physical violence to the media to keep them away from my family and friends. You cheapen the grieving process just by using your talking points.
Even if you were half right about Trump, you have no clues about grieving a lost one because you would not be talking about Trump but of soldier La David Johnson. Watching Kelly, I know his pain.
I don’t believe that Wilson really knew soldier La David Johnson. Instead of talking about Trump she would have been honoring her experiences with soldier La David Johnson and his relationship with her and her special pet project.
I think I know how you live with yourself and I surely would not want to be you. Shallow is a nice way to describe it.
Wilson did make the comment about it being a closed casket. I had to experience the same thing. After over 30 years, I still do not have closure and still have dreams that their was a mistake made. What I needed back then was someone to recognize the pain I was going through. Attacking someone was not what I needed. If Wilson would have related her experiences with soldier La David Johnson, she would have help in the healing process. Awing1, you don’t know how wrong you are on this one.
So Mark, would you have liked the President, unprompted, to say he was going to call your family, that he called such families, and that past presidents didn’t call families? Would you have then liked it if, immediately after he called your family, put out a press release saying he had done so?
I don’t know what this family wanted, or what they need. Neither do you. I would think that Rep. Wilson, whose known the family for decades and were with them when they were driving to the dignified transfer ceremony and got this call, is in a far better position to know. Maybe what she did was right, maybe it was wrong, that depends entirely on the desires of the family. But either way, I don’t see how you can defend what Trump did before Rep. Wilson ever disclosed the contents of that call.
Awing1 said: So Mark, would you have liked the President, unprompted, to say he was going to call your family, that he called such families, and that past presidents didn’t call families? Would you have then liked it if, immediately after he called your family, put out a press release saying he had done so?
So What! Yea, he wants to reach out to fallen soldier families. You just can’t believe that maybe he wanted to do something more than just a letter. That would not work in your talking point script. Unlike a false comment “the Video” made them do it.
How about Obama using the Autopen to send letters to fallen soldiers family. Nice personal touch there.
If you were only right and you are not – insensitive belongs to Obama and Hillary.
I would think that Rep. Wilson, whose known the family for decades and were with them when they were driving to the dignified transfer ceremony and got this call, is in a far better position to know. Maybe what she did was right, maybe it was wrong, that depends entirely on the desires of the family. But either way, I don’t see how you can defend what Trump did before Rep. Wilson ever disclosed the contents of that call.
Huh? you make no sense. Wilson is a mess.
You would think that it did not work during the election cycle with the “Gold Star Parent” but they just won’t give up. Who do they think they are appealing to?
See, you are doing just what the Congresswoman did; used the tragedy of an honorable soldier’s death to score political points against the Commander-in-Chief.
Sgt. Johnson enlisted in the USA. He volunteered to put his life on the line to protect the other citizens of this country. He was not drafted. He was not coerced. He volunteered. Then he volunteered for SF. He committed himself to a grueling selection process and an even more grueling training process. Then he serves overseas in what can charitably be said bears no resemblance to Club Med. He could have found a billet stateside in his specialty. He could have been out of harm’s way. But, he did not do that. Just as the policeman and fireman goes to work everyday, not knowing if he will come home alive, this soldier made the same choice. Unfortunately, he paid the ultimate price, made the ultimate sacrifice. And for that, he, and his sacrifice, should be held above petty political bickering.
But, that did not happen. First the President was subjected to accusatory questioning on whether he had called the families of the soldiers lost in Niger. Why? Simply to make him seem less the leader. The deaths of these men, who were keeping all of us safe, were used for political gain. So, the President called Mrs. Johnson. He didn’t have to. And why he called her when he did should not really make any difference. But, of course the timing was used, politically, to make him look bad. Then, his words, as reported, were taken out of context and without the benefit of emotional inflection, by the Congresswoman, to attack the President for political purposes. Further, the Congresswoman intruded on a time of intense family grief and used a grieving woman to attack the President. The Congresswoman, who could have used her influence to keep the press at bay when Sgt. Johnson’s body was being offloaded in Miami, instead took full advantage of the media circus, that ensued.
Sgt. Johnson and his family were used, after his death, for cheap political purposes. Soldiers, sailors and Marines die for the people of this nation. They do not die so that politicians can get a cheap photo op. I is my experience that soldiers have no problem putting their lives on the line to protect their fellow citizens. But, they hate to be used by unfeeling politicians. The same is true of law enforcement officers and firemen.
If it seems that this situation upsets me, you are correct. If the Congresswoman had never mentioned this call, the most we were likely to learn about it was that the call was made. So, guess who cheapened this soldier’s death? And, that is NOT acceptable for a person who unselfishly puts his life on the line for the rest of us. Not acceptable at all.
I hit the wrong button.
Meant to give you a like.
This is false. You either know it’s false, or are willfully blind to the truth, given that I accurately characterized the question the president was responded to. President Trump was NOT responding to accusatory questioning on whether he had called the families of the soldiers lost in Niger when he made is false statements about his predecessors and said he was planning to call the families. The question was about statements to the public. From the White House transcript of the event:
Why would you mean to “like” a blatant lie?
“Q Why haven’t we heard anything from you so far about the Soldiers that were killed in Niger? And what do you have to say about that?”
This the question that you posted. Does it sound like a simple request for information on the status of the investigation into the deaths of these soldiers? Or does it sound somehow accusatory? As in “What are you trying to hide?”
Spin this anyway you want. But, the fact remains that this was intended as a gotcha question. The President made a call to Mrs. Johnson, the content of which was misrepresented by the Congresswoman and the press, both of whom were critical of that content, which was taken out of context for reporting purposes. This was a cheap political attack upon the President using the death of an honorable soldier. And, it was not done by the Commander-in-Chief.
Play all the political games that you want. But leave the men and women who actually put their lives on the line everyday, for the rest of us, out of them.
You said:
That was a lie. He wasn’t asked that. Now you want to justify his politicization of presidential condolences to the families of fallen servicemembers on the mere fact that he was asked an “accusatory question”, even if it wasn’t about condolences to the families of fallen servicemembers. In your mind, his discussing a question that wasn’t asked is the fault of a Congresswoman whose known a fallen servicemember since he was in elementary school and been a mentor to him, and the family of that fallen servicemember, for daring to have a family friend with them in a time of grief.
How do you live with yourself?
As a Vietnam veteran (drafted, not volunteer) I can live with myself just fine. The congressperson is a cheap political whore, and needs to STFU.
She has exhibited no interest in veterans, belongs to a political party that has allowed the VA to degenerate into something as evil as the bad streets of Chicago, and really needs to consult with vets before opening her mouth on military matters.
What you are doing is known as deflection. You key in on one of several parts of the discussion and claim that it did not happen. And that, therefor everything else is irrelevant. However, as you, yourself, posted, it did happen. The President was asked about the SOLDIERS who died in Niger. Not about the state of any investigation into what happened or if any procedures were going to be changed. The question was specifically about the SOLDIERS. Now, from his answer, the President obviously took that to mean that the question was an inquiry into what HE was personally doing with regard to notification of the soldier’s families. And, there was no clarification of the original question to stipulate that the questioner was inquiring as to anything other than that point. As I said, you can read this to be a general question concerning the investigation of the incident if you want. However, it can just as easily be read as an inquiry into that the President was doing, personally, with regard to the soldiers, which would include notification of their families. And, the wording and phrasing of the question can be viewed as being accusatory.
What you failed to address is the actions that the Congresswoman took after Mrs. Johnson took the President’s call. That was the whole problem. The reason for the call is irrelevant. So, how about you give justifying the criticism over the “wording” of the call, and its being taken out of context and presented without any emotional background, a try. While you are at it how about justifying using the sacrifice of an honorable soldier to attempt to score cheap political points against the Commander-in-Chief.
The military, law enforcement and other public service personnel should not be used as pawns for political gain. LEOs are sick of it. And, now we see the military being used the same way. If people do not stop doing this, then people loke the Congresswoman in the extremely expensive funny hat will being doing it for themselves. Good luck with that.
Mac45, please, stop lying. The question is right there for you to see. Here, I’ll post it again:
The President was asked why “we”, meaning the press or the public, haven’t heard from him about the soldiers, and what he had to say about that.
The question was specifically *not* about notification of families. Stop lying to try to justify the President’s politicization of this issue. Just stop. It’s right there, on the White House’s official transcript. Stop.
Falsely?! Are you claiming 0bama did call them? Not only didn’t he call, but the letters sent in his name were signed by auto-pen.
Yes, I am claiming he did sometimes call. Even Pres. Trump, without apologizing for his earlier false claim, has now admitted Obama “probably called sometimes”. He sometimes called, he sometimes wrote letters, he sometimes met with families at the dignified transfer ceremonies at Dover.
Is that autopen snipe supposed to be a joke?
It’s incredible how you, and everyone else here, continue to dodge the indisputable fact that it was Pres. Trump who politicized this. Nobody asked him a question about his calls to gold star families before he went on his boasting rant. He did this.
Awing1 is an idiot.
Confirmed: Obama Sent Same Form Letter to Parents of All Fallen Soldiers, Marines, SEALs
by Jim Hoft 13 Comments
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A Houston man is upset that Obama sent his family a late, impersonal, form letter after his son was killed in Afghanistan this year.
Tom Logan felt he was disrespected.
Click2Houston reported:
A man who lost a son to the war in Afghanistan is disappointed in the condolence letter he received from President Barack Obama.
Tom Logan, a Willis resident, calls the note late, impersonal, disrespectful and essentially a form letter.
“It opened up a wound in our heart you can’t fix. You can’t send another letter. You can’t make it right,” Logan said.
Logan’s son, USMC Cpl. Joseph D. Logan, was killed Jan. 19, 2012, along with five other men when the helicopter they were in crashed.
Joey Logan was 22.
“He would have been more mad about this than I am,” Tom Logan said.
Tom Logan said he believes Obama did little more than sign his name to the document. He believes his son deserved more.
Local 2 Investigates examined two other letters sent by Obama to families of soldiers killed in action. The one-page typed condolence letters were identical other than names, ranks and service branches.
Click2 Houston posted two condolence letters they inspected:
Here’s one of the letters.
Now compare that letter to the letter sent to the families of the Navy SEALs who were killed August 6, 2011.
It’s the same letter – word for word.
And here’s a photo of three similar letters sent to three SEAL families who lost their sons.
It’s the same letter.
“For the past several years – since at least 2009 – and possibly throughout his term, Barack Obama has sent the same form letter to the parents of all fallen soldiers, Marines and Navy SEALs.
But Obama did send rapper Heavy D’s family a personal letter of condolence.”
Straw man. Nobody claimed that he never once called anyone.
Trump did not politicize it. He merely stated the truth, that he has made it a practice to make such calls, although it was not the practice of previous presidents. There’s nothing political about that.
Awing1 nice trolling job.
I think Kelly proved you are wrong on this one.
He says he will call them, he says he’s called ones in the past, and then he falsely claims Obama and most other presidents didn’t call the families of fallen service members.
Is that a talking point coming from the Hilary rigged DNC?
I also think that Kelly might have been in the room when Trump made the call. I doubt that Trump made the call in a closet where nobody could hear him. Sadly Wilson over stepped her bounds and will pay a political price for it. Upping the ante that Kelly’s comment were racist is only going to make matters worst for her.
A key point that Kelly made is that respect is lost by many. It is apparent that the DNC supports child molester, Rapist and other dis-respectable characters. I think the pro -Choice movement is not about choice but covering up the bad doings of the liberals.
Keep trolling because it just get us more motivated. We are no longer going to be nice. 2018 is coming and it is going to hurt the DNC and RINO’s.
What is it you think Gen. Kelly proved me wrong about? He confirmed that Rep. Wilson’s account was accurate, instead choosing to berate her for listening in (as if the privacy belongs to the President, rather than to the Gold Star family), and ignoring the fact that she’s known this family, and Sgt. Johnson, for decades, long before she was a politician.
President Trump started this politicization on Monday. He brought it up on his own, nobody asked him a question about his calls to Gold Star families when he started discussing it. He decided to boast about what he does, lie about his predecessor (which he later walked back without actually apologizing), and commit to calling this family (again, nobody had asked him about that at this point). His White House then put out a press release to publicize that he had called right after he did it. All of this happened before Rep. Wilson had said a word about it.
I don’t even need to comment because you made this false statement:
“Rep. Wilson’s account was accurate” obviously you did not listen to Kelly.
Please quote where Gen. Kelly said that Rep. Wilson’s account was false.
Please quote where Kelly said it was true. On second thought, don’t waste your time. It doesn’t matter. No matter what was said, Wilson was disrespectful in a very public way, not Trump. But as it was previously stated, you deflect from the truth to push your fake agenda.
Frederica Wilson is one Lying Mother FAKER!
Some would say that she is a Racist Bigot whose Mental Processes are best exemplified by the Stupid Hats she chooses to put on her head.
I would never say that, of course.
Frederica Wilson is a corrupt fraud, and she surrounds herself with that kind of people.
Example at hand:
She endorsed former North Miami mayor Lucie Tondreau, who was removed from office because of her participation in an 11 million mortgage fraud scheme. Tondreau was found guilty and sentenced to 65 months in prison. Frederica Wilson wrote a letter to the court, in support of this criminal.
It is utterly contemptible and disgusting that this vile woman would dance so soon on the grave of this soldier for no other reason than to attack the President.
That she would lie and deliberately mis-characterise an intensly private conversation between the President and the widow speaks to just how debased and divorced from reality Democrats have become in the last year.
It is this kind of bullshit that is driving the politically inspired violence across your country as it feeds a mother fucking media fuelled meme of a dangerous right wing racist unhinged President in power!
On top of this the media is just as guilty as Wilson is of delibetately spreading the malicious lies she was peddling. These fuckers were falling over themselves to get this woman and her accusations on the air 24/7! The fuckers in the media couldn’t help themselves because they have been blinded by their hatred of ALL things Trump.
Finally, that there are empty barrels such as Awing around trying to also make political hay out of this situation is just as despicable as both Wilson’s callous callous sanctity of the personal nature of the call and the media’s fawning coverage of the woman.
To then attempt to tie this to the levels of corruption and outright lying we saw with Benghazi is just contemptible. Guarantee you people like Awing were like fat chicks in a chocolate factory over Benghazi with their mouths so busy chewing they didn’t say a word.
Once again Trump is proven right and the left does the impossible and makes itself look even more delusional and unhinged!!
She’s no longer commenting because the optics of reality turned against her…
Wilson is like a 55 gallon drum. The more empty they are, the more noise they make.
Media sideshow to distract us from the Uranium One Scandal. Oh, and the Las Vegas Massacre coverup.
Nice that we all miss the real issue. The soldier was killed in the ambush in Niger. The other three troops were recovered and brought home. This troop WAS left behind. He was recovered by natives and returned to our troops.
IMHO Trump made the call against Kelly’s advice to cover up the truth about the mission and that her son was not recovered by us. Next, it is now reported that the officer driving the car put the President on speaker phone.
Must some jump to defend this president when his history shows he is not truthful about ANYTHING?
1. One person is not a troop! Next you’ll say he was a corpseman!
2. He was not left behind. He got separated from his unit and it took a few days to find him. During that time it was possible that he was still alive, and we and our allies were all searching for him. What conceivable difference does it make who found him? When did we ever claim — or even want — that the bodies of our dead servicemen would be retrieved exclusively by US personnel? As it happens he was found by our Nigeriene allies and transferred to us. There has been no coverup of that fact, nor any reason to cover it up, because there’s nothing embarrassing about it.
3. How is it relevant who put the President on speaker phone?
HIS history shows a consistent story of being utterly respectable to the military and your country. You CANNOT say that about his predecessor. And we are talking about real history here, ie. what actually happened. Not this made up bullshit the left is fond of peddling (often known by the other name called “lying”).
Funny how you compare this to the deliberate lies peddled by Obama after Benghazi for no other reason than to protect himself and those immediately around him. Trump didn’t push the Secretary of State to get out their and deliberately lie to the American people about protests tied to a fucking video!
Keep deluding yourself pal. Its going to be a very long, dark and lonely 7 more years for you and your ilk.
Now you’re exaggerating. Bragging about his serial adultery and comparing it to the bravery of US forces fighting communist oppression was hardly respectful, let alone respectable.
When asked about why it took so long to recover Sgt. Johnson’s body, the answer has been consistent. That answer was that he disappeared during the firefight. This is not unusual. The story was that the unit had no communication with the Sgt., though they did have intermittent contact with an emergency beacon that he was supposed to be carrying. They searched for him and he was not immediately found. He was reportedly found by Nigerien forces, with which his small unit was operating.
What we do not know, at this point, is exactly where he was found, in relation to the site of the ambush. Nor do we know his condition when found, except deceased. Was he captured? Was he wounded and attempted to evade capture? We do not know. I’m sure that these details will become available, as the investigation progresses.
To this very moment the Congresswoman continues to make on the record statements and speak into microphones. She is an example of the worst kind of politician. One that will put political leverage and scoring points above even a Gold Star family. She has not interest in ending this public display.
Never knew that Maxine moved to Florida
I guess ’empty barrels’ are now racist.
Representative Wilson, as Bozo was once thought to be told: “F*** Off, Clown!” 😉
That was pretty random.
In reaction to Wilson’s remarks, journalist Daniel Greenfield wrote: “Wilson is predictably wrong and ignorant about everything. The Niger deployment of special forces dates back to Obama. The preference for missions of this type where American forces were helping train the locals was very much a key part of Obama era counterterrorism. And they do carry risk when the men come under fire. If Wilson doesn’t like it, she had plenty of opportunities to speak up under Obama…. Wilson doesn’t seem to know what happened in Benghazi. The attack there was extraordinary because it was an American mission rather than soldiers in the field. And there had been numerous threats but no real security. That’s fundamentally different than soldiers deployed in an area that has terrorist issues being killed in an ambush.”
Source of that:http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=2668
I haven’t heard about the WH lying about the Niger mission, but we all know this:
This was a reference to the Islamic terrorist attacks that had killed four Americans at a poorly secured U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 – a tragedy that subsequently became controversial when the Obama administration repeatedly lied about the nature of the attacks.
Anyone find the full video of Wilson at the dedication? The “full Video” that WP and Sun Trib. are pushing seems to be missing the first few minutes of the presentation.
I still don’t know what the president did that was problematic. I’ve been to three state’s level funerals: 2 military and 1 police officer and have heard the same expression used at all of them.
This family sounds like simple Trump haters and they’re exploiting their loved one’s death for their political agenda.
That’s beyond sad. That’s creepy sad.