Weinstein Company Fires Harvey Weinstein Over Sexual Harassment Claims

Last week, The New York Times published an article filled with sexual harassment allegations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein that spans decades.

On Sunday night, the board of directors at The Weinstein Company decided to let him go over these allegations, which have been well known in Hollywood.

From CNNMoney:

The remaining board of directors at The Weinstein Company said the decision was made “in light of new information about misconduct by Harvey Weinstein that has emerged in the past few days.”Weinstein’s brother Robert, who goes by Bob, was one of the board members who made the decision.”The directors of The Weinstein Company — Robert Weinstein, Lance Maerov, Richard Koenigsberg and Tarak Ben Ammar — have determined, and have informed Harvey Weinstein, that his employment with The Weinstein Company is terminated, effective immediately,” a statement from the company said Sunday evening.

The company had already placed him on indefinite leave of absence.

Weinstein also lost two prominent lawyers who consulted him on the sexual harassment claims: Lisa Bloom and Lanny Davis.

Bloom, Gloria Allred’s daughter, received a lot of criticism for her choice to consult Weinstein, including from her mother. From NBC News:

Bloom’s mother, the powerful lawyer Gloria Allred, jeered her daughter, saying: “Had I been asked by Mr. Weinstein to represent him, I would have declined, because I do not represent individuals accused of sex harassment.”

The claims of sexual harassment has also hit the Democrat Party hard as well since Weinstein is a major donor to the party along with liberal organizations. Kemberlee blogged last Friday about what brought about the claims even though it seems everyone knew about his disgusting behavior.

Kemberlee mentioned Rebecca Traister’s article at The Cut, which implies that these women and the NYT found the strength since Weinstein isn’t as powerful as he used to be:

I saw Harvey Weinstein earlier this year, at a Planned Parenthood celebration. I was struck by the fact that he was there — as the Times details, he has remained a donor to and supporter of liberal organizations, women’s-rights organizations, and Democrats, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, whose daughter recently worked as his intern. But I was also struck by his physical diminishment; he seemed small and frail, and, when I caught sight of him in May, he appeared to be walking with a cane. He has also lost power in the movie industry, is no longer the titan of independent film, the indie mogul who could make or break an actor’s Oscar chances.

Tags: Culture, Harvey Weinstein