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UW Madison Declines Student Demands to Label Lincoln a Genocidal Oppressor

UW Madison Declines Student Demands to Label Lincoln a Genocidal Oppressor

“we wanted the university to recognize his part in the Dakota 38 massacre”

Not even Abraham Lincoln is safe from the ire of progressive students.

The Daily Caller reports:

UW Madison Dismisses Demands To Brand Abe Lincoln A Genocidal Oppressor

The University of Wisconsin, Madison has refused to give in to student government demands to brand Abraham Lincoln a genocidal oppressor.

Student activists and native rights groups organized on campus earlier in 2016 to demand that the university either remove the statue of Abraham Lincoln or add a plaque at its base calling out his role in the oppression and genocide of Wisconsin’s Native Americans. They accused him of being complicit in the death of 38 “innocent” indigenous men in a “massacre.”

According to the activists, the president who made the Emancipation Proclamation freeing slaves from their bonds in the southern states, played a huge role in the so-called “Dakota 38 massacre.” Katrina Morrison, the chair of the Associated Students of Madison, told the Daily Cardinal on Tuesday that she wanted the school to recognize Lincoln’s “brutality towards indigenous people.”

“We wanted a plaque near Lincoln because we wanted the university to recognize his part in the Dakota 38 massacre,” she explained. “I think that [not putting a plaque on the statue] is a mistake, and I think that the history is irrefutable. It is clear that he played a huge role in the massacre and was killing innocent people for no reason.”

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The “victims” were convicted of rape and murder. And given their discovery on battlefields after the death of 2,000 men, women and children, innocence was unlikely.

Far more Settlers lost their lives in the conflict than did the Dakotas.

JusticeDelivered | October 17, 2017 at 2:04 pm

UW Madison needs to do one more thing, expell Katrina Morrison, alternatively, they could stop giving affirmative grades, and then fail her.