U. North Texas President Caught Trying to Get Donald Trump Jr. Disinvited from Event

This behavior is unbecoming of a university president, don’t you think?

The College Fix reports:

Public university president caught trying to get Donald Trump Jr. disinvited from eventUniversity of North Texas President Neal Smatresk really didn’t want the son of a sitting president to speak at a lecture series that funds scholarships at the public university.It’s not because the school is paying Donald Trump Jr.’s $100,000 speaking fee, because it’s not – a firm owned by the chair of its board of regents is covering that.It doesn’t appear to be an issue of UNT paying $125,000 to rent out AT&T Stadium, the home of the Dallas Cowboys and a popular draw for donors: That sum that was actually negotiated down by the regent paying Trump Jr.’s fee, Brint Ryan.And it’s not because Trump Jr. wouldn’t be a popular draw: A senior fundraiser at UNT, David Broughton, said “many of our high capacity constituents [read: big donors] align with him and his message.” An avid hunter, Trump Jr. is easily the most recreational member of the Trump clan, and he already has ties to big-game hunters and Republicans in the Dallas area.No, Smatresk appears to simply be a coward who would rather incentivize threats against speakers and shutdown attempts than defend the university’s prerogative to host speakers who are deeply offensive to the mainstream of its community.The Dallas Morning News obtained more than a thousand pages of emails that show Smatresk’s ultimately failed attempts to get Trump Jr. disinvited from the Kuehne lecture series, which has featured former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, former CIA Director Michael Hayden and “four Fox News personalities” since a major donor created it four years ago.

Tags: College Insurrection, Donald Trump Jr.