College of the Ozarks Launches Course Requirement in Patriotism

I’m not sure I like the requirement part but the course subject is refreshing.

Inside Higher Ed reports:

New Graduation Requirement: PatriotismQuick quiz: Where is Omaha Beach?If your answer was Normandy, France, the site of the D-Day landings, you’re correct. But Jerry Davis is worried that kids these days might wager Nebraska.That’s why the College of the Ozarks, where Davis is president, has launched a new required course for freshmen — dubbed Patriotic Education and Fitness — to combat what he sees as rising anti-American, antipatriotic sentiments in American culture that have been “bubbling for many years.” How much that is true versus how much that is his perception is certainly up for debate, but given that one of the college’s five pillars is “patriotic education,” the course certainly fits the culture of the Christian liberal arts college.The college held a media day for local outlets in Point Lookout, Mo., Monday to show off the new four-credit course, which was piloted both semesters last year and debuted in earnest as a requirement for freshmen this semester. At the media day, a formation of students marched through campus and stood at attention as Davis addressed them. Terrence Dake, a Board of Trustees member and retired Marine general, told them to stand at ease before continuing with another address.Speaking by phone with Inside Higher Ed Wednesday, Davis had criticisms of the younger generation but said the course — which combines elements from ROTC programming, physical education courses and the college’s patriotic education pillar — was about building a positive citizenry.

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