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Amherst College Course Wonders Why Women are Becoming More Conservative

Amherst College Course Wonders Why Women are Becoming More Conservative

“Contemporary Debates: Women and Right-Wing Populism”

Most people on the left don’t understand why anyone is conservative but conservative women truly baffle them.

The Daily Caller reports:

College Course Wonders Why Women Are Becoming More Conservative

Amherst College in Massachusetts is offering a fall 2017 course to try to figure out why women are becoming more conservative.

The course, entitled “Contemporary Debates: Women and Right-Wing Populism,” will “explore the consequences of neoliberalism, cultural conservatism, Islamophobia, and anti-immigrant sentiments for women of different social and economic strata as well as women’s divergent political responses,” according to the course description.

The college says students will delve into the topic of why some women have chosen to become conservative leaders while others have allied with liberal, anti-racist and progressive causes.

Campus Reform also noticed the hilarity of the course’s description and wrote about it on Thursday.

The course will look at whether transnational influences have affected women’s activism and will also examine what impact the surge of “far right” women has had and will have on both gender and sexuality.


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A great many people start off in life as idealistic liberals. Once they grow up, get a job, have to struggle to support a family, and they come to realize that liberalism just does not work. They come to view the idea of endlessly supporting people who are just too lazy to work as a bad idea. They become angry when they are blamed for events that occurred over a hundred years ago when their only “sin” is being born white. They work 12 hours a day for years on end trying to make needs meet and are then told that they have white privilege so they must constantly agree that those who refuse to accept responsibility for their own actions, who refuse to further educate themselves to make themselves better, who refuse to put in any extra effort at work, and so forth, deserve all sorts of special breaks, promotions, and raises, while they themselves are ignored for what they do. They see how these and so many other actions/stances pushed by liberals and their toxic ideology are not only inherently unfair, but just plain wrong so they become conservative. This conversion from fantasy to reality has now become some sort of great mystery to the Left and therein lies the crux of the problem.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | October 7, 2017 at 6:19 pm

Why Amherst College you say that like there’s something wrong with it.

Guaranteed that wasting money on stupid NOT-Education-But-Brain-Washing Classes will make more of everybody more Conservative!