Weiner Claims Teen He Sexted With Wanted to Affect the Presidential Election

Disgraced former Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner’s lawyer told a court today that Weiner is not at fault for sexting with a 15-year-old female in North Carolina because she wanted to affect the 2016 presidential election.

Weiner’s estranged wife is Huma Abedin, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s closest aide and confidant.

From The Wall Street Journal:

The girl, then 15, was “looking to generate material for a book the Government has disclosed she is now shopping to publishers,” the memo says, stating that she was paid $30,000 in September 2016 to sell her story revealing Mr. Weiner’s messages to the Daily Mail, a British tabloid.“As she later stated to Government investigators, she also hoped to somehow influence the U.S. presidential election, in addition to securing personal profit,” the filing says.

His lawyers insist that Weiner “never sought out teenagers on the internet and didn’t engage in other predatory behaviors typical of those arrested in similar cases.” NBC News said that the young girl once told Inside Edition that she “wanted to see if Anthony was still up to the same antics.”

In May, Weiner pleaded guilty “to sending sexually explicit messages to the North Carolina girl, admitting to a single criminal count of transmitting obscene material to a minor.” Weiner requested “probation and community service.” His lawyers have sought a prison term of 21 months to 27 months as part of a plea deal, “which isn’t binding on the sentencing judge.”

Weiner can receive up to 10 years in prison.

Well, if that’s truly what the teen wanted to do, it looks like the teen got her wish because the investigation into Weiner’s sexting with her led authorities to possess Weiner’s electronics, which included a laptop…a laptop that included emails that led the FBI to reopen its investigation into Hillary.

Professor Jacobson penned a blog titled Who would have predicted Weiner would bring down Hillary’s campaign? Guess who sort of did? None other than President Donald Trump in the summer of 2015.

On October 30, Abedin claimed she had no idea how the emails between her and Hillary ended up on Weiner’s laptop. Fuzzy blogged at the time that the Department of Justice blocked FBI access to the laptop. But later in the day the FBI finally got a warrant to search through the laptop. Two months later, a judge unsealed the FBI search warrant.

Former FBI director James Comey announced two days before the election that none of the information on the laptop changed anyone’s mind “on whether Mrs. Clinton should be charged, essentially re-closing the case.”

Hillary and her campaign have blamed Comey’s letter that cleared her of wrong doing for costing her the election to President-elect Donald Trump.

Others said the way FBI handled the situation “violated long-established Justice Department guidelines against taking investigative actions that could be seen as influencing the outcome of an election.”

Tags: 2016 Election, Anthony Weiner, DOJ, FBI, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal