Supreme Court stays 9th Circuit refugee ruling – Trump Travel Order still in effect
“stayed with respect to refugees covered by a formal assurance, pending further order of this Court”
Yesterday Justice Kennedy issued a temporary stay of the 9th Circuit’s ruling as to refugees, whose entry is put on hold under the Trump Travel Order No. 2.
Today the full Supreme Court granted the stay:
The application for stay of mandate presented to Justice Kennedy and by him referred to the Court is granted, and the issuance of the mandate of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in case No. 17-16426 is stayed with respect to refugees covered by a formal assurance, pending further order of this Court.
There were no dissenting votes noted.
The stay does not apply to the absurdly broad interpretation by the 9th Circuit as to the Supreme Court’s prior ruling that the Travel Order would not apply to “close familial relations” of U.S. citizens. The government did not seek a stay as to that aspect of the ruling, for unknown reasons.
Some prior related posts:
- Supreme Court stays Hawaii Order as to refugees, not as to relatives
- Unlikely lower courts learned a lesson from SCOTUS slap down on Trump Travel Order
- SCOTUS reinstates substantially all of Trump Travel Order
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Yep. Dead is the rule of law, young Skywalker….
Does it burn to be so consistently, cynically WRONG “civil war” mongers?
It should, you know.
When Kennedy retires, is there any chance of putting Gorsuch in charge of the 9th Circus to bring some sanity to those bozos?
Their antics have grown tiresome and irritating.
Failing that, it is time for the 9th to be dismantled and reorg’d.
That would require an act of Congress, and this Congress refuses to act.
Does not exclude the investigation and prosecution of past and present applicants, their agents or govt. employees who have deliberately committed fraud. As we know many illegal immigrants lie on their applications. Here in Sweden, 83 percent of alone coming child refugees tested were in fact adults. Add to the felonies committed by refugees and illegal immigrants there is lots of areas that law enforcement has yet to cover.
Enforce the existing immigration laws now and build that wall and only then consider additional laws.
Rättsmedicinalverkets senaste siffror visar att över 83 procent av så kallade ensamkommande flyktingbarn som ålderstestats egentligen är vuxna. Det handlar om 93 asylsökande av kvinnligt kön och 3.322 av manligt kön.
We need a legal wall that prevents the integration of illegals into our society:
1) Make being an illegal alien a felony.
2) Make providing government aid to illegal aliens a felony.
3) Make employing illegal aliens a felony.
3) Make failure to enforce immigration law the just like
failing to enforce the laws against murder.
Why can’t Trump just order that no documents originating from these 6 countries can be used for travel to the USA and that every foreigner seeking entry must supply an original birth certificate?
“The government did not seek a stay as to that aspect of the ruling, for unknown reasons.” Perhaps AG Sessions recusing himself from his leadership responsibilities has something to do with it.
This is simply the SCOTUS saying that they plan to hear the case and that no lower court ruling will change the status quo. “Pending further order of this court” is a nice way of saying if you have a question ask US. Don’t attempt to read our minds.