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George Washington U. Committee May Rename ‘Problematic’ Campus Buildings

George Washington U. Committee May Rename ‘Problematic’ Campus Buildings

“the task force will be composed entirely of students”

Getting rid of problematic names is all the rage on campus these days.

The College Fix reports:

George Washington University committee will explore renaming ‘problematic’ campus buildings

A new committee at an elite Washington, D.C. university will explore the possibility of changing “problematic” building names.

Amid a flurry of iconoclasm aimed at Civil War and other early American symbols, students at George Washington University are forming a committee to examine the backgrounds of people for whom buildings on campus are named in order to determine “if individuals with bigoted or discriminatory views are being honored on campus,” The GW Hatchet reports.

Led by Student Association Senator Imani Ross, the task force will be composed entirely of students, and will work to establish guidelines for whether or not a person’s background makes it appropriate to name a building after them.

Speaking with The Hatchet, Ross stressed that the committee would not demand that building names be changed. Instead, she said the task force will use George Washington University’s mission statement, which calls for “cultural and intellectual diversity” at the school, in order to determine whether or not a building name is suitable.

The building names will be rated on a spectrum of “zero to problematic,” Ross told The Hatchet.

Asked by The College Fix whether the committee intended to borrow anything from similar guidelines published at Yale, Ross replied via email: “At this point in time, there is not much I can say about the framework of the committee… We are aware of Yale and Princeton’s committees and are open to using some of their guidelines as we move forward.”


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The Friendly Grizzly | September 28, 2017 at 6:04 pm

When will they re-name the university?

    Of course, that’s the logical thing to do, since George was a slaveowner. They could be totally PC and still save money on stationery by crossing out the first name and writing in “Booker T.”