Edinburgh University Student Faces Investigation for Mocking ISIS on Facebook (Updated)
‘Mocking ISIS allegedly made Islamic and minority students feel ‘threatened’ and ‘unsafe,’

A 21 year old law student at Edinburgh University mocked ISIS on his Facebook page. Now his school is investigating him for potentially committing a hate crime.
This story serves as a good reminder that America is not the only country struggling with free speech on campus.
The Daily Mail reports:
Edinburgh University law student, 21, who mocked ISIS on Facebook is probed by college bosses over it being a HATE crime that ‘puts minority students at risk’
A law student is under investigation by his university after allegedly mocking ISIS on social media and ‘putting minority students at risk and in a state of panic’.
Robbie Travers is being probed by Edinburgh University amid claims he committed a ‘hate crime’, despite no criminal investigation by the police.
The 21-year-old third-year student wrote a Facebook post after the US Air Force bombed an ISIS stronghold in Afghanistan in April.
However his comments sparked a complaint from fellow student Esme Allman, who accused him of ‘blatant Islamaphobia’.
Following the air attack in April Mr Traves wrote: ‘I’m glad we could bring these barbarians a step closer to collecting their 72 virgins’.
Ms Allman, a second-year history student, claimed Mr Travers ‘put minority students at risk and in a state of panic’ and breached the student code of conduct with his comments.
However, according to The Times he says his post came in retaliation to Ms Allman allegedly calling ‘black men trash’.
Mr Travers has previously caused controversy over inflammatory comments made on gender issues.Mr Travers wrote on Facebook last night: ‘Afraid I’ve been a little more quiet as I have been accused of Islamophobia because I mocked ISIS, and I’m being investigated on such a ground by my University.
‘Mocking ISIS allegedly made Islamic and minority students feel ‘threatened’ and ‘unsafe,’ so goes the complainant’s ramblings.
So the accuser is using an old favorite standby of the left. Your words made me feel unsafe. Travers didn’t even make his comment about Muslims, he was talking specifically about a terrorist group, so what’s the problem?
Metro UK has more on the accuser:
Ms Allman calls herself ‘a self-proclaimed feminist’ on the university’s student union website and says: ‘I value inclusivity as well as building and preserving safe spaces for us.
‘Creating a truly intersectional campaign is incredibly important to me and my first job will be to work alongside the other liberation groups to ensure EUSA are fully representative of our views.
intersectionality was the topic of a Quick Take we published in July: Christina Hoff Sommers: Intersectionality Driving Campus Threat to Free Speech
Intersectionality is the source of the new preoccupation with microaggressions, cultural appropriation, and privilege-checking. It’s the reason more than 200 colleges and universities have set up Bias Response Teams. Students who overhear potentially “otherizing” comments or jokes are encouraged to make anonymous reports to their campus BRTs. A growing number of professors and administrators have built their careers around intersectionality. What is it exactly?
Intersectionality is a neo-Marxist doctrine that views racism, sexism, ableism, heterosexism, and all forms of “oppression” as interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Together these “isms” form a complex arrangement of advantages and burdens. A white woman is disadvantaged by her gender but advantaged by her race.
The left has essentially created a new system for use in silencing their critics, advancing their agenda, and criminalizing dissent. It is a cancer in higher education and it’s growing.
UPDATE 10-14-2017 by WAJ: It appears that the identification of Ms. Allman by British newspapers may have been in error:
The Times has finally apologised to Esme Allman for publishing Robbie Travers' fantasy of having been reported by her for "mocking ISIS". pic.twitter.com/fFjBXEmnvt
— Julie Lenarz (@MsJulieLenarz) October 14, 2017
Featured image via YouTube.

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I really do find it difficult to believe Edinburgh University and Ms. Allman are not simply engaged in satire.
Sadly, no matter the appearance of frivolity this is a deadly serious matter for students so accused. And, in this issue, Edinburgh U bears a striking resemblance to UC Berkeley and many other US colleges and universities.
The Left has driven its cancer deep into Academia throughout the West. Gramscian damage.
And here I thought Isis had nothing to do with Islam?
It’s hard to tell which academic culture has descended more quickly into illogical madness, US or UK. At least in the UK there is less of a separation between campus and community at large. In the US I wonder how many want to employ hypersensitive safe spacers. Who will tolerate such childish disruption in the workplace?
The left sympathizes with color diversity (i.e. denial of individual dignity including racism), elective abortion (i.e. denial of lives deemed unworthy, inconvenient, or profitable including selective-child), and terrorist social justice adventures, too. It seems the left-wing neo-National Socialists are a clear and progressive threat to human and civil rights everywhere.
A University spokesperson said: ‘We can confirm that complaints alleging misconduct have been received against Mr Travers and these are being investigated. It is, however, untrue to suggest that Mr Travers is ‘under investigation’ for ‘mocking ISIS’.’
Why no link??
The reporting I have seen beyond this LI piece indicates Travers has a social media routine criticizing what we would call the Social Justice criers, including critics of Lou Reed’s “Wild Side” song b/c today it is now defined as transphobic. But nothing he types is threatening, menacing, or violent. In fact, the complaint is reported to state:
“Travers published a decontextualized quote by Allman from a privileged conversation generated by minority students in a safe space he is neither subscribed to nor a member of without her consent…”
Sounds like his sin is quoting something harassing or violent but said in a “Safe Space” where such harassment is acceptable depending on who is harassing and who is harassed.
casualobserver: Why no link??
It was linked in the original blog post above. We just highlighted text that was apparently overlooked.
Can’t get links to embed, so here is one source:
Thus spake the spokesperson, but Travers’ alleged misconduct that made Muslims feel unsafe was his mockery of ISIS.
fking hippies…..
This is what happens when you let Muslims become a sizable minority; they start exerting outsized influence. It usually happens around 10%.
Re: “Ms Allman, a second-year history student, claimed Mr Travers ‘put minority students at risk and in a state of panic’ ”
I assert that this is a lie. Specifically, I deny that the facebook post caused anyone to “panic”. I think that the complainant should be put to the proof of that statement. in fact, I defy them to prove that anyone panicked or was put at risk.
Edinburgh University law has proven itself a sh-thole of a law school, turning out useful idiots instead of lawyers.
Hire Robbie Travers as soon as he graduates – wherever he graduates.
Remember its no the outcome but the process that is the punishment.