California Gov. Brown says Trump supporters “resemble troglodytes”

California’s glitterati are plumbing new depths in their hatred of President Donald Trump.

This weekend, Hollywood elites spent 3-hours deriding Trump and his supporters during the Emmys. Then, the state’s leading, elite politician decided to weigh in with an insulting description of myself and a good portion of the state’s tax-paying population.

California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) ripped President Trump for his recent remarks on North Korea and compared Trump’s supporters to “people who dwell in deep, dark caves.”Speaking at a climate change event in New York City, Brown criticized Trump for his weekend tweet aimed at North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.“Everything he’s doing is … stupid and dangerous and silly. I mean, come on, really, calling the North Korean dictator ‘Rocket Man’?” Brown said, according to Politico. “He is accelerating the reversal through his own absurdity.”Brown also mocked supporters of Trump, saying they most resemble “troglodyte[s].”“You should check out the derivation of ‘Trump-ite’ and ‘troglodyte,’ because they both refer to people who dwell in deep, dark caves,” Brown said.

Brown is continuing to lead the “Cultural Civil War” in his role of “Commander-in-Chief” of California. He is trying to inspire other politicos to join him on his climate change crusade, with the level of sobriety and decorum we have come to expect from “Governor Moonbeam”.

Brown, the Democratic governor of the nation’s most populous state, has been rushing to recruit other state and local governments to sign onto their own nonbinding climate agreements in defiance of Trump. At an event coinciding with the United Nations meeting in New York, Brown said Trump’s election has made it easier to promote climate-related policies, with the rise of a “real adversary that is not believable, is not credible.”…Brown, touching off several days of climate talks, said of the opposition to Trump on climate change, “It takes what we’re doing today and this week, and all the other things that we have to do to finally put the nail in, I don’t want to say in Trump’s coffin. … That’s a tweet, so I better not do that. But we’re getting there. We’re making change. So I’m very optimistic in the face of Washington’s absent leadership.”

Climate change dealing isn’t the only weapon being lobbed at Trump. The California legislature has just passed the “Sanctuary State” bill that we have been closely following at Legal Insurrection. Governor Brown is expected to sign it when it lands on his desk.

The California Values Act would forbid state and local law enforcement agencies from providing information to or acting as the deputies for federal immigration authorities. The bill also prohibits police and sheriff officers from inquiring about a person’s immigration status….A compromise hammered out earlier this week between Brown and California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León carved out exceptions to the new restrictions.The changes allowed state and local law enforcement to communicate with federal immigration authorities if a person has been convicted of certain crimes. Corrections officers would also be permitted to work with federal agencies.

As I Californian, I am weighing the option of moving to a cave in one of the other 49 states. At least other governors might appreciate law-abiding, tax-paying, hard-working citizens.

Tags: California, Trump Derangement Syndrome