Washington State Prof Says Colin Kaepernick Just Holding America Accountable
‘historical failure to honor Black life’
This is the most creative excuse for Colin Kaepernick’s behavior so far.
The College Fix reports:
Prof: Colin Kaepernick just holding America accountable for ‘historical failure to honor Black life’
What’s the big deal about NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick not yet being signed by a team?
It shows how utterly racist the league — and America — remains, according to a Washington State University professor.
David Leonard of the school’s Critical Culture, Gender, and Race Studies Department says football, like racism, is a pastime “as American as processed apple pie.”
Leonard writes in Newsone that “[m]ost people were OK” with the fact that the NFL once permitted only whites to play, as football is “shaped by nationalism and Americans’ fetishization of a masculinity based in violence and conquest.”
The league’s 32 teams’ refusal (thus far) to sign Kaepernick “fits with the NFL’s business model,” which is a continuing “instrument of anti-Black racism.”
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he’s gotta have some really advanced degrees to be *that* 5t00pid…
yup, he does, with an extra large portion of “white guilt” too!
What and incredibly stupid comment. Both the NFL and Kaepernick ar in the entertainment buiness. You do not “diss” your audience or they go away. The owners know that. Kaepernick, not so much.
Yup. K. Is damaged goods in terms of PR, and most teams realize that – I’m not a big sports fan myself but I can certainly see how a fan could take offence at a player who made more in a year than he will in 20+ years being collectively blamed for how unfair k.’s life has been so far.
Not sure how good the info is, but read recently that K. DID receive a job offer, but it was the minimum $900,000 a year for someone with his much time as a player so was was offended and turned it down. All I can say if that’s the case is, please offend me, please.
Look, there are ways for famous athletes to contribute to political discussion OFF the field without getting all up in the fans’ faces about it – the Dixie Chicks fer instance could have made the point that they didn’t like Bush jr without using an actual concert as their soapbox.
I hope K. Was prudent enuf to not spend his millions as soon as they came in like a lot of entertainers who hit it big do – if he saved one year of his old salary that, combined with his nfl pension, means he’ll never have to work a day in his life again unless he wants to. If he misses buying everyone in the family a new car every year, welllll insulting your fan base will do that to you.
Holding America Accountable? Naw professor, he is making a fool of himself and you. You,sir, are making fools of all professors!
“Honor black life”? What the heck does that mean, and why is anybody required to do it?