U. Nebraska-Lincoln Profs Harass President of Turning Point on Campus

Turning Point USA, founded by conservative activist Charlie Kirk, is an organization aimed at teaching students about “fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited governments.” Well, the president of the organization’s chapter at University of Nebraska-Lincoln received harassment as she recruited students on campus.

Worst part? PROFESSORS participated in the harassment. From Campus Reform:

According to chapter President Katie Mullen, at least three professors circled the table while carrying signs and yelling things like “f**k Charlie Kirk” and “TPUSA Nazis.”Graduate teaching assistant Courtney Lawton was recorded yelling “Neo-fascist Becky right here. Wants to destroy public schools, public universities, hates DACA kids,” while giving the middle finger to the camera.Associate Professor Amanda Gailey was pictured holding a sign that stated “Turning Point: please put me on your watchlist,” even signing her name to the impromptu appeal.Mullen told Campus Reform that a university administrator eventually came out and told her she could not table because she was in a free speech zone. Campus police were called, however, and after assessing the situation they informed Mullen that she had the right to stay and table.“I was honestly shocked and scared. I was there for a couple hours and had no real issues but a couple debates,” Mullen told Campus Reform. “They came with posters screaming profanities at me and people passing by.”“I didn’t even engage, but I kept tabling as I wasn’t going to let them silence me,” she continued, but conceded that after a while, “I got overwhelmed and scared and started to cry,” at which point the professors “screamed [that] I was crying for attention.”“It shocks me that these are professors that are supposed to teach and support students and they were bullying me,” she remarked.Despite the furor, however, Mullen claims that her TPUSA chapter attracted 56 new sign-ups over the course of the day.

Tags: College Insurrection, DACA, Free Speech