Morning Joe Republican Elise Jordan “Really Disgusted” by Ivanka

There are many vitriolic anti-Trump regulars on Morning Joe. Elise Jordan ranks right up there with the “best” of them. Interesting, considering that Jordan is a Republican, having worked for President George W. and on the Rand Paul campaign. Perhaps that explains it: bitter aftertaste from the primaries?

In June, as our friends over at NewsBusters noted, Jordan compared Trump to a “suicide bomber.” In July, Jordan tried to revive the discredited Russian “dossier” to use against the president.

This morning Jared and Ivanka Kushner were Jordan’s targets.

Jordan first mocked their “sterling political judgment” in having advocated bringing Mooch into the administration. Elise then launched a particularly nasty attack against Ivanka:

“I was really disgusted by Ivanka’s tweet today saying she looked forward to working alongside General Kelly. Alongside? Respect the chain of command in the White House. Respect someone who served half a century in the military. Maybe you could learn something.”

Jordan is a good example of the kind of Republican that MSNBC likes to feature: the sort that can’t stand Trump. Jordan takes the place on the Morning Joe panel of Nicolle Wallace, another Trump-detesting Republican who has since been given her own MSNBC show. And then there’s panel regular Rick Tyler, a former Cruz campaign aide, who rarely has a kind word for the president. Not to mention Steve Schmidt, a go-to guy for Trump criticism.

And of course Mika long ago banned Kellyanne Conway from the show. Even CNN has Jeffrey Lord. Can anyone think of a Morning Joe regular representing the Trump position on issues?

MIKA BRZEZINSKI: Two sources close to the president tell NBC News that Scaramucci’s profane remarks last week to The New Yorker disgusted and offended some of those close to the president. I thought those close to the president wanted them in there? Does anyone know who pushed for Scaramucci?ELISE JORDAN: Oh, Jared and Ivanka! This was another example of their sterling political judgment.. . .I quite frankly have really tired of the Jared and Ivanka spin machine that is constantly trying to portray them as somehow all-powerful yet powerless. And they have so much control yet they have no control and can’t control anything.MIKA: They’re so experienced, yet they’re so inexperienced.JORDAN: And I was also really disgusted by Ivanka’s tweet yesterday, saying she looked forward to working alongside General Kelly. Alongside? Respect the chain of command in the White House. Respect someone who served for nearly a half a century in the military. Maybe you could learn something.

Tags: Media Bias, Morning Joe