Grinnell College Feminist Prof to Teach Course Lamenting American Whiteness

Racial Studies

Isn’t it wonderful how nobly academia advances us as a society?

Campus Reform reports:

Feminist prof to teach class lamenting ‘American Whiteness’A feminist professor at Grinnell College is offering a course this fall on “American Whiteness” that will focus on “attacking racism by making whiteness visible.”Professor Karla Erickson, a self described “feminist ethnographer,” will teach the four-credit special topics class called “American Whiteness,” which vows to explore “whiteness as a specific racial formation with a distinct history, proactive and defensive politics, and institutional and personal investments.”According to the course description, students will learn about the “historical expansion” of whiteness while discussing both the “formal and informal advantages that accrue to whiteness” and potential “challenges to whiteness.”Although Erickson declined to provide a copy of the current syllabus, Campus Reform located a syllabus for a previous iteration of the course from the spring of 2015, which contains a course description identical to the one of that being offered in the fall.“Whiteness is, among much else, a very bad idea,” the syllabus states, quoting Kansas University Professor David Roediger. “It is quite possible to avoid hating white people as individuals but to criticize the ‘idea of white people in general.’”Additionally, the 2015 version of the course featured texts such as “Beyond the Whiteness of Whiteness” and “The Case for Reparations,” the latter of which encourages students to “take on the labor of interrogating and attacking racism by making whiteness visible.”

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