Authorities Arrest Man Who Sucker Punched Black Trump Supporter

Officers in Laguna Beach have arrested Richard Lousy who allegedly sucker punched a black Trump supporter at a rally on Sunday. R.C. Maxwell told FOX 11 the attack was unprovoked:

“If the optics were completely different and I was a black lives matter supporter and I was attacked on the Trump side of a protest I would be in the spotlight on CNN right now,” Maxwell said. “I went over to the left side to see if I could engage them with dialogue and I was instantly encircled by the so called anti fascists.”—“I think the fact that I’m a black conservative causes a lot of problems for the left side because there’s no way they can really resolve that according to their narrative of what they think trump supporters are, so I think that was a bit triggering to the other side,” Maxwell said. “I was getting lots of specific comments like you’re a sellout, you’re an Uncle Tom.”

FOX 11 even tried to interview Maxwell at the protest:

Shortly after the interview began, Maxwell was surrounded before being verbally harassed.”I was in a pinball machine full of Antifa, it was a little scary but I was being bold and not adversarial,” Maxwell said. “You just wanted to ask me a couple questions about what was happening and we couldn’t even conduct an interview. “Dialogue is being shut down and free speech is being attacked and it’s being attacked by so called peaceful protesters under the name anti fascists.”

FOX 11 reported that Losey even boasted of his attack on Maxwell on Twitter and admitted he did it because Maxwell “wouldn’t stop talking about Trump.” When one person on Twitter called for Losey’s arrest, he replied, “arrest me, lmfao [laughing my fucking ass off].”

CBS Los Angeles said that the attack made Maxwell sore, but also gave him more determination to speak out and fight for Trump’s agenda.

Tags: Antifa, California, Free Speech, Trump Derangement Syndrome