AM Joy Guest: “You Still Have Actual Nazis” in the White House

On Joy Reid’s MSNBC show this morning, panelist Sarah Kendzior claimed that “you still have actual Nazis” in the Trump White House. That came after her assertion that “this is still a white supremacist house.”

Kendzior didn’t identify the “actual Nazis” by name.

Kendzior’s explosive accusations came in the context of a discussion of Steve Bannon’s exit from the Trump administration. Kendzior, a regular Reid guest and former Al Jazeera English columnist, said that Bannon could be “more dangerous” on the outside than he was in the White House, where he was “somewhat contained.”

SARAH KENDZIOR: As many have pointed out, this is still a white-supremacist house. You still have actual Nazis in the house. You have Jeff Sessions, who’s a long-time antagonist against civil rights and you have policies that back up these ideas in practice. And so what Bannon is probably going to do when he leaves is just support this aspect of Trump’s agenda from the outside, which could actually be more dangerous and more harmful than having him in the White House, where he was, as mentioned, somewhat contained.

Tags: Al Jazeera, Joy Reid, MSNBC, Steve Bannon, Trump Administration