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University Renames ‘Safe Space’ Program Due to Concern About Optics

University Renames ‘Safe Space’ Program Due to Concern About Optics

“The administration requested that the fliers be taken down”

The concept of campus safe spaces has become an object for mockery in recent months. Maybe that was part of the motivation here.

The College Fix reports:

Concerned about bad optics, university renames its new ‘safe space’ program

In May, Columbus State University proudly plugged “safe spaces” across its campus. “Safe Space” fliers were drummed up and posted. Announcements were sent out.

“Establishing safe spaces is an important step toward promoting one of our university’s core values – inclusion,” Gina Sheeks, vice president for student affairs, told a local news station at the time. “Our goal as a campus is to embrace diversity at all levels and create an environment where students, faculty and staff feel safe, supported and accepted.”

The posters read: “The room/office is a safe space. All are welcome. If you need to talk, need help connecting to resources, or need support, please come in. In this space, you will be accepted, heard and respected.” It also included contact information for the counseling center.

But not everyone was thrilled with the “Safe Spaces.” The administration requested that the fliers be taken down and for the theme to be changed from “safe spaces” to a we’re-here-to-listen theme.

John Lester, associate vice president for university and government relations, said in an email to The College Fix that the endeavor is not about creating safe spaces as they’re traditional understood in the modern vernacular, calling it “a noble effort that unfortunately got tangled up in a completely different narrative.”


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | July 3, 2017 at 9:06 pm

Bad Optics?

If it weren’t for Bad Optics, Democrat, Leftist, Regressives would have no optics at all. LOL