U. Iowa Student Paper Suggests Not Being Stupid is a Form of Privilege

Apparently, stupid people are the newest victim class on campus.

The Daily Caller reports:

UPDATE: Not Being Stupid Is ‘Cognitive Privilege’ Now, Which Is Just Like White PrivilegeThe University of Iowa’s student newspaper has announced the discovery of a special privilege which intelligent people acquire as an accident of birth. This new privilege — called “cognitive privilege” — functions in essentially the same way as white privilege.The Daily Iowan revealed the discovery of this new privilege earlier this week.Garden-variety white privilege “is an important topic that deserves a public discussion,” the op-ed on “cognitive privilege” explains, but it is also “prudent to at least mention the wider concept contained therein: that of privilege itself.” Privilege in general is “the receipt of certain benefits wholly through accident of birth and it is “undeniable that privilege itself is a reality,” the student newspaper explains.As with skin color and much else, Daily Iowan author Dan Williams argues, people have no control over how smart they are. Life is a huge cosmic lottery full of winners and losers.Cognitive privilege is one of “many kinds of privilege besides white privilege.”Also, Williams declares, robots will wipe out manual labor jobs but will somehow not affect jobs available to members of a special cognitive elite.

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