Scarborough Compares Trump to Nixon just before Resignation

Does Joe Scarborough believe that Donald Trump will be resigning the presidency sometime this summer? Seems so, judging from Joe’s baleful proclamation on today’s Morning Joe. Said Scarborough:

“they have dug so far down low into the bunker that this is not Nixon in ’73. This is Nixon in the summer of ’74.”

Nixon resigned the presidency on August 8, 1974. Below is the iconic image of Nixon waving goodbye as he leaves the White House.

Note: Scarborough’s Trump-Nixon analogy comes the morning after he declared on the Colbert show that he was leaving the Republican party. Why would a principled person leave, rather than stay and fight for his beliefs? Could it have anything to do with Scarborough’s own presidential ambitions?

This column names Scarborough as a possible “independent” who could win the White House in 2020. Was Joe’s ditching of the GOP a prelude to a presidential candidacy?

Tags: Joe Scarborough, Morning Joe, MSNBC