Professor Reportedly Resigns After Being Accused of Harassing Pro-Trump Student
“He stared at me until I acknowledged what he was saying.”

If you believe the student’s account of what happened, what happened wasn’t right. But resignation seems odd. This Red Alert article doesn’t name the professor or indicate the professor’s defense, but reports that the professor has resigned.
Red Alert Politics reports:
EXCLUSIVE: UNLV professor punished pro-Trump student with bad grades, resigns
Ever since Donald Trump was elected president in November, liberal professors have been taking out their frustrations on their conservative and Trump-supporting students.
At the University of Nevada-Las Vegas, College Republican President Jacob Deaville filed a formal complaint against his professor for discriminatory intent and unfair grading practices all because of his politics. The professor, who Deaville wished to remain unnamed since he was informed of his resignation from UNLV on Friday, taught a summer course called “Summer Cuisine,” which he took to fulfill an international cultures requirement for graduation.
While the class was completely apolitical, the instructor singled out Deaville, a rising senior, for his conservative politics after he sent the teacher an email with his College Republican signature embedded at the end. In an interview with Red Alert Politics, Deaville said that he didn’t think much of it when he sent the email before the first day of class with his signature.
“The first thing he did [in class] was come out and make a joke about Donald Trump, and he made it about three or four times until I acknowledged him, and then he continued,” Deaville recalled, saying the joke was bizarre. “It had to do with the President’s comments in Israel, saying ‘I just got back from the Middle East.’ But he was still in Israel. He made a joke at that. He stared at me until I acknowledged what he was saying.”
Even though the joke itself wasn’t enough to accuse the professor for discrimination, all grades made by the professor that required his discretion became gigantic red flags. When it came to multiple choice quizzes, he got over 90 percent correct on all of them.
“I really didn’t think much of it,” Deaville continued. “But at the end of the first week, I had a negative-17 in participation.”

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Name him, or her, shame them, and allow other students to be aware.
resignation just allows this anti conservative practices to continue.
if the student(s) were over reacting then the prof needs exoneration.
if guilty, prof needs to be outed for protection of the paying students.
Based on political donations of the people who work there,
University Of Nevada Las Vegas is…
365th most liberal
out of 446
Do you have confirmation of this tale, or are you just reporting rumour and gossip?
There is no “Summer Cuisine” or “International Cuisine” (as reported by campusreform) course taught at UNLV. The Food and Beverage department lists a “Culture and Cuisine” course in June, the period when the Republican student claims he was travelling from the convention (which began June 15). It fulfils the “multicultural” credit requirement:
The individual who taught it during that period, according to the department’s course list, is still shown as an instructor on the UNLV website.
The whole thing smells like very over-ripe cuisine.
“If you believe the student’s account of what happened, what happened wasn’t right.”?
If you won’t verify what someone has presented as fact and you know perfectly well millions will believe even if it is false, publishing it is what is not right. Right-wing, for sure, but not right. “Legal insurrection” indeed; insurrection against professional ethics, in this case journalistic ethics, it seems.
And my good god; universities give credit for eating? And a little right-winger jumped at the chance to avoid work and avoid actually learning anything about other cultures. Quelle surprise.