Meager DREAMer Protest at Texas Capitol Results in 15 Arrests

Tuesday, we blogged about a sit-in protest staged by radical illegal immigration advocacy group, Cosecha.

The protest was meant to target Texas Attorney General, Ken Paxton, who recently advocated for an end to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, but failed spectacularly.

Despite Cosecha’s presence in 20-some-odd states, only fifteen activists showed up to cause trouble, all of whom were arrested, only five of which were from the lone star state. Neither did the protest happen at the AG’s office.

The Texas Observer said a “crowd of dozens chanted “undocumented and unafraid” and “sí se puede” as the demonstrators were handcuffed and removed from a downtown Austin street on the north side of the Capitol,” but according to this video, I’m not seeing dozens, unless you count media:

Based on local reports, no sit-in transpired, rather, protesters blocked traffic, presumably to provoke arrest and draw attention to their cause (a favorite tactic of leftist groups).

Again, from the Texas Observer:

The 15 activists are charged with obstructing a highway, a Class B misdemeanor, and range in age from 20 to 42, police said.“After repeated requests by DPS officials to leave the roadway were ignored, the suspects were arrested without incident,” said DPS staff sergeant Victor Taylor in a statement.

In a statement, Cosecha boasted of, “the first time undocumented youth participate in a civil disobedience action since Trump took office.” There were a whopping four DACA recipients arrested Wednesday:

The four DACA recipients arrested yesterday in a civil disobedience action were released late Wednesday night. Eleven allies who participated in the action were released in the early hours of the morning, refusing to leave jail until they received confirmation that all four DACA recipients had been safely released.

The “safely released” is a nice touch, as though they’d be dangerous released? In any case, we have another astroturfed prog group who fell spactacularly short of their protest promises for the books.

Maybe targeting Texas on immigration issues (where most Texans are unified) is not the best place to start. Maybe.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: DACA, Immigration, Texas, Trump Immigration