Macron On Nice Truck Attack Anniversary: Total Determination to Fight Radical Islamist Terror

Yesterday, July 14th—France’s Bastille Day, Nice was not alit with fireworks and celebration; instead, the city remembered the 2016 terror attack that shook their city.  ISIS claimed responsibility for the truck terror attack that left 84 dead and hundreds wounded.

Among those killed were a Texas man and his young son.


Naturally, the media tried to downplay the horrific terrorist attack, but as the prof noted, the terrorist was not the “lone wolf” suffering from depression.

Immediately after the terrorist attack by Mohamed Bouhlel in Nice, France, we were told he was a lone wolf, a guy “recently radicalized,” suffering from depression, with no connection to Islamists or ISIS, a guy who just went crazy and drove his truck through a crowd.It was all BS, meant to deflect from the Islamic motivation and ties to terror networks.The cracks began to show when it was learned Bouhlel was texting with others shortly before the attack and several possible accomplices were arrested several days ago, *Shocked* – Nice truck terrorist maybe wasn’t a “lone wolf” after all.Now we can put all the “lone wolf” stuff to rest, as well as the “recently radicalized” excuses. France 24  reports, Nice truck killer had support, accomplices for carefully planned attack . . . .

The horror and pain of that day still run deep in Nice, and the city held a commemoration ceremony to honor those who died that day.

French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his total determination to fight terrorism both within his own borders and beyond.

The India Express reports:

With the sheer number of victims and families affected, the scars run deep. During the three-hour commemoration ceremony on Friday, President Emmanuel Macron and city mayor, Christian Estrosi, spoke. Macron acknowledged the anger felt by the people and vowed to fight terror. “This rage, I know, many of you still carry it in the pit of your stomach,” he said, “Everything will be done in order for the republic, the state and public authorities to regain your trust … We’ll respond by a fight without mercy outside and inside our borders against terrorism, everywhere.”“My determination is total,” he said.Among the dozens of dignitaries present there were also two of France’s former presidents, Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, President’s wife Brigitte Macron and the Prince of Monaco. The names of all those died were read out loud and written on a board in the shape of a heart. The event also honored police officers, emergency paramedics and civilian Franck Terrier who tried to chase the truck on his scooter in a futile bid to stop it.

Tags: France, Nice Truck Terror Attack, Terrorism