Leftists Riot in Germany as G20 Summit Commences

Riots have erupted in Hamburg in the backdrop of the G20 Summit — a meeting of world leaders representing the leading economic powers — that began early today. Around 100,000 left-wing activists and anarchists have reportedly descended on the city to protest the summit. Before the summit could even begin, ninety police officers were injured in the clashes with rioters. A “central part of Hamburg has been transformed into a fortress” reported Germany State-run DW News.

The U.S. First Lady Melania Trump was blocked from attending an event organised for the spouses of leaders attending the G20 Summit in the German city of Hamburg by violent protestors. President Donald Trump and the First Lady arrived in Germany yesterday to attend the summit following a brief stay in Poland.

“The protestors prevented the U.S. First Lady Melania Trump from taking part in the event meant for the spouses and was forced remain at her place of accommodation, the State Senate guesthouse at the Outer Alster Lake,” reported the local newspaper Hamburger Morgenpost.

These rowdy protestors represent different leftist causes with many carrying banners and placards championing “Refugees Welcome” to “Climate Justice,” and occasionally even “Black Lives Matter.”

“These are ugly and scary images that come out of Hamburg,” writes German newspaper Die Welt. “[Considering the fact that] the city wanted to show its best side to the head of governments and states of great economic powers.”

“Embarrassment for Merkel as G20 protests turn violent in Hamburg,” wrote the French broadcaster Euronews. “Security forces estimated earlier that of 100,000 demonstrators expected in the northern port city, some 8,000 were ready to commit violence,” the broadcaster said.

German TV network DW News reported Thursday night’s rioting in the city of Hamburg:

All day, Hamburg held its breath. With just 24 hours to go until the start of the G20 summit, the usual traffic noise died down. An eerie silence ruled in the city center, only punctuated by the sound of passing police helicopters. It was a silence most people knew would end by the time the evening came.Thursday’s big demonstration against the summit, titled “Welcome To Hell,” was the first serious test for the police. Flyers from the organizers instructed people to “be noisy, angry and combative.” The police knew that this would be the first proper gathering of the “Black Block” – the extreme anarchist end of the anti-capitalist movement.Seventy-six officers were injured in the subsequent clashes, five of whom had to be taken to hospital.

German media reported a spate of car burnings and other arson attacks across the city.

Ahead of the summit, President Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are expected to meet. Merkel wants Trump to reverse last month’s decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement on climate change. “Merkel names climate change as the most important issue at G20,” announced the German weekly Stern as Merkel told a reporter ahead of the summit that the Paris deal is “irreversible.”

“Merkel declares climate war on Trump,” reported the German newspaper Bild some days ago. “In the government statement relating to the next week’s G20 summit, Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel attacked Donald Trump in an exceptionally direct way, especially due to his climate policy.”

When it comes to the political issues of the day, both Chancellor Merkel and the left-wing anarchists rioting in the streets of Hamburg agree on substance, if not style. The rioting, arson, and violent intimidation on display in Hamburg are all about pushing that leftist agenda by any other means.

German leftists that demanded a new “Welcome Culture,” or Willkommenskultur, from ordinary Germans in the wake of the migrant influx that began in 2015, are today burning private and public property, and attacking police under the banner of “Welcome to Hell.”

These German leftist radicals and ‘climate Jihadists’ do not represent an impoverished or disenfranchised minority. These pampered and privileged thugs are out to enforce the establishment’s internationalist agenda.

Watch: ‘Embarrassment for Merkel as G20 protests turn violent in Hamburg,’ reports Euronews:

[Cover image via YouTube]

Tags: Angela Merkel, Anti-Trump Protests, Climate Change, Germany, Melania Trump, Regressive Left