Former FBI Agent Watts: “I Believe” Kushner’s “Account of Things”
“I think Kushner’s statement is good. That we get this sort of transparency.”

Mika Brzezinski was doing her best on today’s Morning Joe to undermine the just-released statement by Jared Kushner on his dealings with the Russians. But when Mika tried to tee up former FBI agent Clint Watts to take a shot at the statement, she got what must have come as an unpleasant surprise.
Mika put it to Watts that the Kushner statement, rather than explaining away dealings with the Russians, “raise[s] questions.” But instead of taking Mika’s hint, Watts replied:
“I think Kushner’s statement is good. That we get this sort of transparency. And I believe his account of things.”
Whoops! Watts did throw Mika a bone, going on to say, “if you look at it from the other side, which is more dangerous? That they were knowingly being influenced or unwittingly being influenced?”
Note: When it comes to Russia, Watts has been something of a conspiracy monger, claiming that “every point of contact around president [Donald] Trump has been touched by the Russians,” and that “these people were doing the Kremlin’s work.”
That renders Watts’ expression of belief in Kushner’s statement that much more noteworthy.

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I think we’re (finally) seeing some pushback against the media’s #RussiaRussiaRussia fascination. Was listening to NPR this morning with David Greene talking to the head of the UN food program. He *clearly* expected the UN official to unload on Trump and wail about Republican cuts to the agency, but the official went straight down the line like a carpenter hammering in a row of nails, bang, bang, bang. I’m amazed NPR let the segment air. I mean, NPR. Who’da thunk it?
I don’t think we’re ever going to get a major media head saying “We were wrong” but over the next year or two, we may get subtle and hidden shifts in policy as the most extreme leftist voices slowly strangle under the weight of reduced advertising revenue (and public radio contributions).
That they were knowingly being influenced or unwittingly being influenced?
They have yet to show that anybody was influenced at all.
where does one even start with such an asinine comment???
No one was influenced! No one was coerced. No one colluded with anyone! The sooner the media gets over itself the sooner they can move on because pretty much everyone else HAS moved on that still retails the ability to rub 2 or more brain cells together.
Not only that, even Comey said there was no evidence.
Time for Trump to fire Mueller and announce that he and his cabinet will no longer be taking ANY questions on Russia. First reporter to bring it up will be escorted from the press room, never to return.
Nah, no need for that (because they will all do it just to get street cred with the Alt-Left through video of them martyring themselves for the cause.
Better to set new guidelines and any breaches of those guidelines will result in access being withdrawn the following day.
The concept of a “free press” pretty much implies that they can ask whatever they want without penalty.
Happy for them to ask what ever it is they want as long as they realise they only get one question and one question only. If they want to waste it virtue signalling then that is their loss.
President Trump should ignore Mueller, and let his attorney respond
Why not use those Russian connections to make Mueller disappear?
Better still, why not get the Clintons to make him disappear?
How did the Ruskies influence the election? If we could find out how they influenced the election then we could figure out who was involved. Like maybe they arranged to sell a lot of our uranium and got a kick back.
Kick back?
You mean that one interpretation of Hillary’s mislabeling of the “reset clock?”
The Russian word used on the “reset clock” meant “Overcharge” – Overcharging is a classic much used scheme of Embezzlement….
Just ask a fraud auditor…….
It’s curious that, instead of reporting on the substance of Kushner’s statement, Marky elects to tell us what some nobody FBI guy says on “Morning Joe”.
Mr Kushner, who is married to Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, says none of the contacts was improper. He also denies that Russians finance any of his business in the private sector.
Yes. No spit, Sherlock.
WTF has that to do with my comment?
You complained about Mark not reporting on the substance of Kuscher’s statement. Mark did provide a link to it which you could have read.
4th Div did provide you with a very good and short report on the substance and provided an additional link.
4th Div opted to ignore your comment on Mark’s reporting.
I didn’t need Marky to provide me a link. I’d read it already.
Marky could have provided some intelligent analysis. Instead he elected, as I said, to give us the vacant comments of some guy he himself undercut.
See now, Liz…???
It’s curious that, instead of commenting on the substance of Kushner’s statement, Ragspeepee elects to complain about what some LI guy reports about “Morning Joe”.
It’s sad that Rags can’t stop being a Hillary booster. Pathetic.
It’s disgusting that you can’t distinguish valid criticism of ANYTHIHG from “being a Hillary booster”, you poor, stupid T-rump sucking cultist.
Now, you can tell us where I was wrong in my comment.
you may want to increase your medication
seems you are unwell-so much rage over nothing
If you think being characterized falsely as a “Hellary booster” is nothing, you need to stop your medication, pard. You are WAY too doped.
Oh Rags…we are well past the time anything you say has any relevance of validity HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Mark the calendar, I seldom come to Rage’s defense. In this case, however, I will. When Rages comments on any subject OTHER than politics, I enjoy reading him. When the subject is politics, I just skip right past his name, nothing of his is worth reading.
Yet, oddly, I get all kinds of hate for point out objective, truthful stuff.
You are the one who’s “irrelevant”, you little T-rump sucking hater. I can’t recall a post by you that required any thought or any guts to post.
“Yet, oddly, I get all kinds of hate for point out objective, truthful stuff.”
“Truthful stuff”
It must be some kind of lower level of hell to know that your sole contribution here is to act as my own, personal asp troll.
And not even be unique in that field. Just one of a turd-swirl.
I encourage the Media to keep pushing the Russia story all the way to 2020.
This is a win, win for America!
“That renders Watts’ expression of belief in Kushner’s statement that much more noteworthy.”
Yet, “every point of contact around president [Donald] Trump has been touched by the Russians,”, and “these people were doing the Kremlin’s work.”
I don’t understand how his statements are noteworthy when he has no credibility.
Except they weren’t “influenced”. Let us stop with this ludicrous Russian thing. It is now in doubt as to whether the DNC or Podesta emails were even revealed by the Russians. Suspicious in and of itself is the vastly different techniques used. One, the DNC, was an ultrafast download that is impossible as a remote hack by the USA so far, the other is a simple phish.
Agreed whole heartedly.
Is it safe to eat Russian Dressing now?
Dude, where’s that collusion ?
This falls into the “really weird” category …
World Socialist Website
24 July 2017
In remarks that have no parallel since the emergence of the US national-security state after World War II, the two former leaders of the intelligence apparatus told a forum in Aspen, Colorado Friday that President Trump’s loyalty to the United States was in question. They suggested that executive branch officials should refuse to carry out his orders.
The comments by former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper came at an annual forum sponsored by the Aspen Institute that brings together the national security establishment. Present at the event were high-level representatives of the Trump administration, Congress and the media.