Evergreen Student: ‘I’ve been told I’m not allowed to speak because I’m white’

The Trustees of Evergreen State College heard testimony from students and faculty this week, due to the campus protests of the spring which cast a national spotlight on the school.

Protests began in May when progressive Professor Bret Weinstein objected to an event which would have barred white people from campus for a day.

One student named MacKenzie came forward and offered a statement which should concern administrators and trustees alike.

Here’s part of what she said, via John Sexton of Hot Air:

“If you offer any sort of alternative viewpoint, which I do have, and you’re kind of the enemy,” MacKenzie said. She continued, “I don’t agree with the behavior that has been shown on the campus and unlike what Anne Fischel [a previous speaker] has said, I think it’s important to focus on the way this was handled.”“This behavior has actually been encouraged and because of this I feel like people are becoming more violent and the campus is becoming more of an unsafe place,” she said. “I have been to several meetings to speak. I’ve been told several times that I’m not allowed to speak because I’m white,” she said.“This school seems to focus so much on race that it is actually becoming more racist in a different sort of way. And because I say that—because I choose not to focus on race I have actually been labeled a racist and a white supremacist. If anyone took the time to actually know me, it’s not true at all.”

Watch the video by Badger Pundit:

Professor Bret Weinstein, who actually had to be removed from campus at one point due to concerns about his safety, also made a powerful statement. Weinstein framed his testimony by asking the trustees if they were aware how bad the situation really was.

Here’s part of what he said, via My Northwest:

Do you know that the college descended into literal anarchy. For days the campus was not under control of the state, it was under the control of protesters. There were assaults, there were batteries, there was pressure not to report crimes to the police. People were, by the legal definition I believe, kidnapped and imprisoned. That included faculty members and administrators. Others were hunted on the campus.Lawless bands roamed the campus unimpeded. Police were physically and intentionally blocked by protestors. Police were cruelly, systematically and personally taunted. They were humiliated and forced to stand down by the president. Students that held different opinions were, by the protestors own analysis, stalked, harassed … their names, pictures, addresses, and phone numbers were distributed online …Do you know that although the code of conduct is supposed to protect all of us, that Dr. Bridges decided to selectively suspend it, giving some students license to threaten others.

Watch the video:

It’s great that the school’s trustees are listening to people in this forum but they probably should have intervened much sooner. The damage to Evergreen’s standing has been done.

Follow Mike LaChance on Twitter @MikeLaChance33.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, Evergreen State College