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Campaign Mobilizing in Sanctuary Cities to Create a Million New Citizens

Campaign Mobilizing in Sanctuary Cities to Create a Million New Citizens

This is really about creating new voters for Democrats.

The left is falling back on one of its favorite strategies. A group called “Naturalize Now” is planning to create a million new citizens in a year. Why bother trying to appeal to voters when you can just create new ones?

Paul Bedard reports at the Washington Examiner:

Sanctuary cities promise to make 1 million new US citizens in year

Twenty-one mostly “sanctuary cities” are pledging to make 1 million immigrants U.S. citizens this year.

The “Naturalize NOW!” campaign, which includes liberal and progressive groups and elected officials, heralded the mayors of the cities in joining the national effort.

Among the cities cited in an Independence Day notice from Mi Familia: Atlanta, GA; Boston, MA; Cleveland, OH; Charlotte, NC; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Dayton, OH; Jersey City, NJ; Knoxville, TN; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; Miami-Dade County, FL; Montgomery County, MD; Paterson, NJ; Pittsburgh, PA; New York City, NY; Salt Lake County, UT; San Francisco, CA; Seattle; South Gate, CA & Tucson, AZ.

Many are sanctuary cities and counties…

According to Naturalize Now!, more immigrants than ever have applied for U.S. citizenship, a spike coming at a time when the Trump administration is warning all illegal immigrants about deportation.

The story got a quick mention om FOX News:

This is how “Naturalize Now” describes itself on its website:

The Naturalize NOW campaign encourages eligible legal permanent residents to seek out the best protection against deportation and take the first step in participating in America’s democracy by becoming a U.S. citizen through over 150 application assistance events being held across the country throughout the summer.

The overall goal of the Naturalize NOW campaign is to move 1,000,000 people to apply for citizenship in 2017. Across the country, 8.8 million people are eligible to naturalize but haven’t done so yet. 3.7 million of them could become citizens for free or for a reduced cost, using available fee waivers.

Their home page features a video message from Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. Here’s a partial transcript of his message, via Paul Bedard:

“We celebrate our independence on July 4, and honor the values of freedom, justice, unity, and equality that make us who we are,” said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. “Los Angeles joined the Naturalize NOW campaign because those principles are still worth fighting for — and to encourage eligible Angelenos and people across the country to seek a path toward citizenship and join the American family.”

Here’s the video:

Garcetti does his best to make this sound like it’s all about America’s highest principles but that’s nothing more than dressing. This is a voter registration drive intended to help Democrats. Plain and simple.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Simple fix, make illegal entry into the US a felony. Lets see how much money the Dem’s are willing to give to felons who can’t vote.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to scaulen. | July 6, 2017 at 2:29 pm

    But isn’t it so nice of “Naturalize NOW”
    to concentrate all the illegal aliens
    into camps so they can be
    immediately and permanently deported NOW!

    What poetic justice!

    randian in reply to scaulen. | July 7, 2017 at 1:57 am

    That’s why Democrats push for allowing felons to vote, and they’ve succeeded in some states.

3.7 million of them could become citizens for free or for a reduced cost, using available fee waivers.

Yeah, that’s just what we need: 3.7 million new citizens who are so poor they can’t even afford the fee for the citizenship application.

    rscalzo in reply to Observer. | July 6, 2017 at 3:15 pm

    My friends are doing it legally and paying a huge amount to do so. Now they will simply walk in?

      Milhouse in reply to rscalzo. | July 7, 2017 at 2:54 am

      What do you mean “simply walk in”? These people are exactly the same as your friends. They’re doing it legally just like your friends. If your friends can’t afford the fees they can get the same discounts or waivers.

You’ll know they’ve gotten really serious when Democrats start recruiting campus crusaders to marry illegal immigrants to make them citizens.

The synergy with the push for polygamy rights should be obvious.

thalesofmiletus | July 6, 2017 at 8:58 am

“Population Replacement Now!”

“The Naturalize NOW campaign encourages eligible legal permanent residents to seek out the best protection against deportation …”

If they are legal permanent residents, why would they need protection against deportation?

The fact that these cities welcome illegal immigrants has no connection with their efforts to encourage legal immigrants to become naturalized. Illegal immigrants aren’t eligible for naturalization.

When the Democrats have given away all our wealth, freedom, rule of law what will happen? We will gaze longingly at Cuba and Venezuela as Paradise Lost and wish we could live there.

    4th armored div in reply to Hawk. | July 6, 2017 at 9:34 am

    time to fight for the new voters and educate them about what a republic means.
    just watch out for the jihadists.

UnCivilServant | July 6, 2017 at 9:33 am

I don’t think they pay a lot of attention – Legal immigrants are not terribly sympathetic to queue-jumpers, so urging the legals to naturalize isn’t going to get more pro-illegal voters on the rolls.

This is really a positive thing.

This is following the law, instead of defying the law.

Illegals can’t get “legal” by any means. This whole initiative only contemplates legal residents applying for citizenship via the existing process.

It won’t do a whole lot, because there are reasons they have NOT made the move to become citizens for any of a number of reasons that are not addressed by this push.

    Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | July 6, 2017 at 1:31 pm

    Could any of you down-thumbing “thinkers” articulate any problem with what I said, or is it all just tribal hate with you?

      murkyv in reply to Ragspierre. | July 6, 2017 at 1:55 pm

      You made your own bed, rags.

      VaGentleman in reply to Ragspierre. | July 6, 2017 at 1:59 pm

      Perhaps it’s a commentary on some other aspect of your LI persona?

      Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | July 6, 2017 at 2:10 pm

      Yep. As I intuited. Just T-rump suckers hating on me without any reason associated with my comment.

      Thanks, ThoughtPolicing guys!

        VaGentleman in reply to Ragspierre. | July 6, 2017 at 2:34 pm

        Or it could be that someone who spends his time insulting people on LI has earned their enmity. If you dish it out…

        You might check with a dermatologist. Skin that thin could be cancerous.

          Ragspierre in reply to VaGentleman. | July 7, 2017 at 10:08 pm

          But see you have called me a coward, a traitor, various flavors of hypocrite… Just to name a few.

          No, all the hate is because I won’t suck your T-rump idol.

          And you know it!

          VaGentleman in reply to VaGentleman. | July 7, 2017 at 10:32 pm

          And now, the award for Best Performance as a Victim on an Internet Forum.

          This award is presented to the postor who claims victim status for consequences resulting from his own actions.

          And the winner is: RAGS-PEE-AIRE !!!

          Ragspierre in reply to VaGentleman. | July 7, 2017 at 10:58 pm

          You literally cannot not lie.

        Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | July 6, 2017 at 3:04 pm

        I can’t think of the last time I provoked an exchange with you, but I CAN provide numerous examples of where you’ve trolled me. Lately. If you say otherwise, I’ll just prove you are lying. Again.

        My skin is so thick, you haven’t (and will never) even bruise it, T-rump sucker. I laugh at you Stalinist ThoughtPolicing goons!

          VaGentleman in reply to Ragspierre. | July 7, 2017 at 11:01 pm

          ‘VaGentleman, I haven’t kicked you in the balls lately so you should just shut up about it.’

          I’m only 1 of the many downers you get. You kicked a lot of people, and continue to do so, but I guess that’s all my fault too.

          Just like your girl friend, Hillary, it’s never your fault. You really are a child.

          Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | July 7, 2017 at 11:29 pm

          Such a puuuuur, puuuuuur, injured baby….

          Grab what tiny balls have and run to mommy.

    heyjoojoo in reply to Ragspierre. | July 6, 2017 at 3:11 pm

    “example of following the law…” isn’t that what the Constitution is – as it’s being followed by the President.

    What law are you referring to?


This clarifies things.

And, since citizenship is a federal function, and not dependent on state or local officials or activists no matter how treacherous, it has little chance of major success.

In fact, it seems like a poor PR move; declaring intent to turn the country into some other country implies that they’re afraid something is about to happen which will wreck the normal cancerous growth of their program, and that it’s time for a Hail Mary.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to tom swift. | July 6, 2017 at 2:36 pm


    Isn’t it nice of “Naturalize NOW” to pinpoint
    all the evil cities we should boycott!

Illegals are encouraged to flock to states that have sanctuaries for the purpose of inflating the total population of the state. The 14th Amendment provides in part

Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State.

Accordingly, the total number of seats each state is entitled to in the House of Representatives is determined solely by such state’s total population irrespective of citizenship or immigration status. Adding migrants, refugees and illegals with large extended families prior to the next census will conflate the total population in sanctuary states.

The plan is clear, increase population of blue states to increase blue states’ representation in the House and ensure those newly created seats become blue by strongly encouraging the new citizens vote democrat.

“…encourages eligible legal permanent residents to seek out the best protection against deportation…”

I’m all for legal, naturalized US citizens, but what is this ‘protection against deportation’ crap??

Legal permanent residents are just that: Legal. Permanent. Residents. Unless they screw it up with criminal convictions, etc.

    Ragspierre in reply to locomotivebreath1901. | July 6, 2017 at 1:35 pm

    Well, I’ll play…

    We hear often from people here that you can be criminalized for pretty much nothing (which has SOME merit, since we live in such an over-regulated environment) along with the chant that “law is dead”.

    SO…provided that’s true, shouldn’t permanent legal residents be motivated to become citizens to avoid displacement?

    Unless they screw it up with criminal convictions, etc.

    Since you clearly know legal permanent residents are at risk of deportation, what is your question? Naturalization protects them from this risk.

      rscalzo in reply to Milhouse. | July 6, 2017 at 3:17 pm

      Not in every case. While rare, they can still be deported.

        Ragspierre in reply to rscalzo. | July 6, 2017 at 3:42 pm

        A naturalized citizen can be deported? Barring fraud in their naturalization process, I can’t think of any condition that would obtain.

        So, enlighten us…

        Milhouse in reply to rscalzo. | July 7, 2017 at 2:56 am

        US citizens can never be deported. And US citizenship, once validly obtained, can never be lost involuntarily.

Can Congress do something about this?

Probably not. We have states being that hostile toward the illegal immigration policy.