James Madison U. Student Gets Jail for Registering Dead People to Vote Democrat
“agreed to a prison sentence of 100 to 120 days”
This is an update to a story we ran recently. The student is going to jail for a crime Democrats insist never happens.
WTVR 6 reports:
Student headed to prison for registering dead voters for Democrats
A man paid to register Virginia voters prior to the 2016 Presidential Election will spend at least 100 days in prison for submitting the names of deceased individuals to the Registrar’s Office.
James Madison University student Andrew J. Spieles, 21, of Harrisonburg, pled guilty Monday in the United States District Court for the Western District of Virginia. As part of the plea agreement, Spieles agreed to a prison sentence of 100 to 120 days.
Spieles worked for Harrisonburg Votes when he committed the crime, according to acting United States Attorney Rick A. Mountcastle.
Harrisonburg Votes is a political organization affiliated with the Democratic Party.
“In July 2016 Spieles’ job was to register as many voters as possible and reported to Democratic Campaign headquarters in Harrisonburg,” a U.S. Attorney’s Office spokesperson said. “In August 2016, Spieles was directed to combine his registration numbers with those of another individual because their respective territories overlapped. After filling out a registration form for a voter, Spieles entered the information into a computer system used by the Virginia Democratic Party to track information such as name, age, address and political affiliation. Every Thursday an employee/volunteer hand-delivered the paper copies of the registration forms to the Registrar’s Office in Harrisonburg.”
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If he had registered Republicans would he have gotten life?
HA! About Time!!!!
Actually, about him doing Time!
It’s an inadequate sentence.
I would prefer a more substantial punishment, but will settle for what we can get. I hope there is some way to make it known that there are consequences on more campuses.
Democrats (through Soros financed organizations and other vehicles) prey on College students . They are solicited for an hourly wage.
They need to be shown there are repercussions for voter fraud. Not only might it lessen fraud, but perhaps it might seep through that voting is a privilege and a bedrock of our Republic.
Democrats do not insist this crime never happens, or even that it isn’t common. This is not voter fraud but registration fraud, and they’re quite happy admitting that it’s common; but since it doesn’t affect election outcomes, and the only victims are the ones paying the criminals, they say it’s something that shouldn’t concern the general public.
They’re right that having registrations submitted in the names of fake and dead people isn’t itself a real problem; either the submissions are rejected, or they get through but the person never votes. Either way, no harm is done except to the people who paid for them.
The real question is what is the purpose of submitting these registrations? If it’s for money, no problem. What ought to concern us, and what Democrats illogically insist rarely happens, is if the purpose is in the hope that the registration will go through, and with a view to then voting in the illegally registered person’s name.
Voter fraud, as opposed to registration fraud, takes two forms: (1) people voting in other people’s names (either those of real people who are not expected to try to vote themselves, or of fake or dead people who are therefore guaranteed not to try to vote themselves); (2) illegally registered people voting in their own genuine names.
There isn’t a lot of hard evidence that either of these things happens enough to matter, but common sense says they must, simply because they’re so easy to do and get away with. Democrats claim that the reason hardly anyone is ever caught doing them is because they rarely happen; Republicans point out that the rate of detection is equally consistent with these crimes being extremely common, but difficult to detect.
If you fish with a net with 1-inch holes, you won’t ever catch anything substantially under that size. Consider neutrinos. Even those detectors at the bottoms of mine shafts detect fewer than one a day, but science tells us that the world is actually awash with them, billions of them passing by and even through us every second. The low rate of detection is because of how we’re looking for them, not because of how few there are. Or consider the fact that until just a few years ago the only extrasolar planets we could detect were gas giants orbiting close to their star; this wasn’t because other kinds of planets didn’t exist, or weren’t extremely common, but simply because the detection methods we were using weren’t able to pick up anything smaller or further away from a star. Fraudulent voters (as opposed to fraudulent registrations) are hard to find, so we shouldn’t be surprised that they’re rarely found, and that’s completely consistent with their being ubiquitous. Are they ubiquitous? Common sense says if something is profitable and easy to get away with, people will do it. If pickpocketing were that hard to detect nobody would ever dare leave home without chaining their wallets to their belts.
Voter fraud, as opposed to registration fraud, takes two forms:
There are other forms, even more insidious, but absolutely guaranteed to exist … such as that button in Putin’s office which changes the American vote tallies whenever Vlad taps it.
Doesn’t exist.
While I agree with some of your post, your statement that registration fraud is not a real problem in itself is incorrect.
Without the registration fraud, actual vote fraud is harder to accomplish.
If the registration fraud is not caught, and who believes that we catch all of it?, then vote fraud becomes much easier.
Wrathchilde, I already covered that. What part of “What ought to concern us […] is if the purpose is in the hope that the registration will go through, and with a view to then voting in the illegally registered person’s name” was unclear?
But the catch is how do you ensure the registration will go through? The easiest, and therefore surely the most common way is to have someone inside the system enter these registrations, not a party worker paid to go around registering real people.
Illegal election theft is illegal election theft, just as sophistry is sophistry.
Registration fraud such as this person did does not steal elections. It has no effect whatsoever on any election result, because the fraudulent application is not even intended to be accepted, and if by some chance it is accepted there is no intention ever to vote in the person’s name.
Registration fraud can, as both I and Wrathchilde pointed out, be done with a view to future voter fraud. In such cases care the fraudster must ensure that the application is accepted; this means such crimes are usually inside jobs.
What about focusing efforts on harshly punishing fraudulent voters by allowing the registration to pass while silently flagged?
Then, when a fraudster is caught actually trying to vote illegally there is a great deterrence to both processes since it may represent a figurative “honey trap”
Only two kinds of people vote Democrat; dead and brain-dead.