Hillary Embraces Conspiracies for Loss, Calls Email Scandal a ‘Nothing Burger’

Speaking at a tech conference in California this week, Hillary Clinton launched into another diatribe about the forces which conspired against her in the 2016 election. In the process, she referred to her very real email scandal as a “nothing burger.”

Douglas Ernst writes at the Washington Times:

Hillary Clinton says email server scandal ‘biggest nothing-burger’ of 2016 electionHillary Clinton says her secret email server scandal was the “biggest nothing-burger” of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.The former secretary of state sat down for questions in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, on Wednesday as part of the 2017 Code Conference. Her Election Day defeat to Republican Donald Trump was the subject of conversation, at which point she was asked about her worst campaign “misjudgment.” Her answer: the private server she used as former President Barack Obama’s top diplomat, which prompted an extensive investigation by the FBI.“My email account was turned into the biggest scandal since Lord knows when,” Mrs. Clinton said, Mediaite reported. “And, you know, in the book I’m just using everything that anybody else said about it besides me to basically say this was the biggest nothing-burger ever. It was a mistake. I’ve said it was a mistake, and obviously if I could turn the clock back I wouldn’t have done it in the first place. But the way that it was used was very damaging.”

In her expanded remarks which you can see below, she implies media bias from the New York Times, blames fake news and repeatedly invokes interference by Russia.

Tucker Carlson did a great job last night unpacking all the conspiracies embraced by Hillary. From the FOX News Insider:

Carlson: Clinton Donned the ‘Trendy Tin Foil’ Hat Popularized by DemocratsCarlson said that she donned “the trendy tin foil hat” he said Democrats have popularized since Trump’s election.He pointed out that Clinton made the New York Times out to be a right-wing news source, and dismissed her email scandal as a “nothingburger.”Carlson said Clinton’s conspiracy theory was so vast, she blamed alleged fake news websites based in Macedonia for working to undermine her candidacy.”[So], with no message or economic agenda… she was going to win anyway,” Carlson said.He added that Clinton’s ‘conspiracy theory’ must have tacitly included a way to “bamboozle” Pennsylvanians into electing a Republican president for the first time since 1988.

Watch the clip below:

Because Hillary and her media allies are beating these drums on a daily basis, the willingness to embrace conspiracy theories is trickling down to members of the Democratic Party.

Peter Hasson writes at the Daily Caller:

ALTERNATE REALITY: 58 Percent Of Dems Think Russia Rigged Vote Count To Get Trump ElectedA majority of Democratic voters think Russia literally rigged the vote in the 2016 presidential election — an outlandish conspiracy theory with no evidence to support it.The latest Economist/YouGov poll found 58 percent of Democrats saying that it is “probably true” or “definitely true” that “Russia tampered with vote tallies in order to get Donald Trump elected President.”That number is up six points from December when 52 percent of Democrats said they thought Russia tampered with vote tallies.

Why should anyone be surprised?

This is the same party which believes to this day that Bush “stole” the 2000 election.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Election, Hillary Clinton, Hillary Email Scandal, Russia