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Franklin College Offers Free Certification in Social Justice Work

Franklin College Offers Free Certification in Social Justice Work

“helps participants develop tools necessary for advancing social justice”

At least the program is free. What exactly does one do with such a certification?

Campus Reform reports:

College offers free certification in ‘social justice work’

Franklin College is offering a free “Social Justice Certificate Program” to help students, employees, and alumni develop the skills to become an “effective advocate for social justice.”

“The Social Justice Certificate helps participants develop tools necessary for advancing social justice in various aspects of their personal and professional lives,” the school states on its website, elaborating that “The certificate series offers a theoretical framework for understanding issues of social justice, helps participants develop the skills necessary for social justice work and gives participants direct experience communicating across differences.”

The certificate training program is “free of charge” and is open to “students, faculty, staff, and alumni,” according to the website, which lists nine workshops offered throughout the 2017-2018 school year, including sessions on “Race, Racism & Privilege,” a discussion of “Leadership in the Context of Social Justice,” and two “Safe Zone” training sessions exploring issues faced by the “LGBTQIA” community.

Each session is led by a faculty member and takes one hour to complete, except for the Safe Zone trainings, which last for two hours but have no moderator listed.


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