Diversity Conference Administrators Want Implicit Bias Training on College Campuses
“the necessity for implicit bias training has become increasingly evident”

Does anyone on the left realize how Orwellian this kind of talk sounds to most people? Apparently not.
The College Fix reports:
Administrators at diversity conference: Require implicit bias training on campus
Everyone has “blind spots,” or implicit biases, that can lead to discrimination and considerable social injustice, and so campus trainings that work to eradicate stereotypes for the sake of social justice are a “necessity,” according to intercultural affairs administrators.
Their remarks came during a presentation titled “Identifying Implicit Bias to Create Social Change in Jesuit Higher Education” on June 14 at the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities’ annual conference on diversity and equity.
The presentation was led by a trio of diversity administrators within the Office of Intercultural Affairs at Loyola Marymount University, which recently created a mandatory training to address implicit bias on its campus.
“Over the past few years, the necessity for implicit bias training has become increasingly evident. Everyone possesses implicit biases, therefore our unconscious associations can trigger discriminatory decisions and behaviors,” said Steven Neal, director of Loyola’s Academic Community of Excellence. “These implicit biases can produce broader structural inequality thus addressing implicit bias can help us achieve equity and social justice.”
Neal and his colleagues emphasized that implicit bias is especially critical to address given its implications to influence decisions and outcomes in multiple facets of a university’s operations.

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