Terrorists Slaughter 28 Coptic Christians in Egypt
Officials have called it a terror attack.

At least 10 gunmen opened fire on a bus transporting Coptic Christians in Cairo, Egypt, and killed 28 people. The Christians were headed to the St. Samuel the Confessor monastery.
Men, women, and children are among the dead. Fox News reported that Copt United news portal confirmed only three children survived the massacre. The gunmen also injured 22 others.
From CBS News:
Eyewitnesses told Egyptian media that around 8:45 a.m. local time, about 10 masked men with assault rifles, some dressed in military uniforms, emerged from vehicles and sprayed the bus with bullets.
Some of the gunmen went into the bus and continued to fire on the passengers, many of whom were women and children, according to the witnesses. The attack lasted just a few minutes, after which the attackers fled the scene. They governor of Minya said Egyptian police had launched a manhunt for the attackers and set up roadblocks in the region.
Khaled Mogahed, the Health Ministry spokesman, said the death toll stood at 26 but feared it could rise further. According to Copts United news portal, only three children survived the attack. It was not immediately known if most or all of the victims were children.
No one has taken responsibility for the attack, but Coptic Christians have become a top target of ISIS in the area. Members of the terrorist group in the area released a video in February in which they declared Christians in the country as their “favorite prey.”
Pope Francis visited Egypt in April, but after his visit, ISIS immediately “vowed to escalate attacks against Christians, urging Muslims to steer clear of Christian gatherings and Western embassies, saying they were targets for the group’s followers.”
I will update this post when more information becomes available.

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Has anyone used the “genocide” word? Seems to me that if Islamists openly declare they aim to wipe Jews and Christians off the face of the earth down, we ought to take them for their word. They mean it. So let’s call it what it is. G-E-N-O-C-I-D-E.
I’ve seen a few media outlet’s refer to ‘Christian Genocide’, but they’re mostly Christian based media site. The regular media sites won’t even use the words “Islam” and “Terrorists” in the same sentence, while Turkey still denies it’s own history of genocide with Greeks, Armenians and other people groups.
Killing Christians and Jews is the ‘blood sport’ of most tyrants, IMO.
But the moment a Jew looks sideways at a Palestinian and its all GENOCIDE!!!!
— aka L-E-F-T-I-S-M
Well, according to [class] diversitists, Muslims are privileged in Muslim majority nations, which implies that immigration policies should favor Christians.
That’s the thing that most pissed me off about the Syrian refugees policy. While the Syrians are trying to exterminate the Christians, we are taking in almost entirely Muslims as refugees. Did we give refugee to goose-stepping Nazi refugees in WWII?
Did the US grant asylum to goose-stepping Nazi refugees in WWII?
Well, thank God that only 10% of muslims are evil! With 1.3 BILLION on the planet that still leaves 130, million that we have to watch out for. You would think that with the msm this would be right up there with the Orlando gay bar slaughter but then you would be wrong. The people killed in Egypt were Christians and the msm hates Christians, But they love gays and muslims. So when the two groups they love fight each other they have to blame Trump. Since the people killed were the obnoxious Christians, they didn’t even have to mention them at all. After this slaughter, the di*k head finance minister of Germany actually said that Christians could learn from the muslim immigrants! How many muslim immigrants have been mowed down on their way to a mosque by Christians?
Egyptian security forces probably enabled this attack, perhaps even participated in it. It’s very common for them to become mysteriously absent when such attacks commence, and they are manifestly unable to catch the offenders.
It won’t be long before the Muslims demand the Christians shut up in the name of “reconciliation” and “healing community sentiment”. It’s a sick psychological dynamic the Muslims set up with the populations they abuse.