Petty: Chris Matthews complains Jared Kushner has car and driver

Q. Is there anything—anything!—about which the MSM won’t criticize about the Trump administration? A. No, judging by the mind-bogglingly minuscule, absurd and hypocritical thing that Chris Matthews has found to carp about.

On his Hardball show of May 30th, Matthews got bent out of shape over the fact that Jared Kushner . . . might have a car and driver take him to work at the White House. After video rolled of Kushner emerging from what is presumably his DC home and getting into an SUV with someone at the wheel, a vexed Matthews said:

Does Kushner have a driver and a car? How does that work? He works in the White House as one of the staffers. Does he get a car and a driver? It looks like some sort of SUV that takes him to work . . . This is pretty high-level stuff here. It looks like he’s some sort of major security official.”

Kushner is a government employee whose official title is “senior adviser to the President.” Guess who held the same position in the Obama administration? Yup: Valerie Jarrett. Jarrett famously received a Secret Service detail and was driven to work by government drivers. Can you remember Chris carping about that? Neither can I.

At the end of his outburst, Matthew said, “anyway, small point.” Right. But not too small for Chris to kvetch about.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: I’m impressed by something I just saw. Does Kushner have a driver and a car? How does that work? He works in the White House as one of the staffers. Does he get a car and a driver? It looks like some sort of SUV that takes him to work. Do we know about that?REPORTER: I’m not aware of that.MATTHEWS: Adam? I’m watching it right here in front of me. This is pretty high-level stuff here. It looks like he’s some sort of major security official. Anyway, small point.

Tags: Chris Matthews, Jared Kushner, Media Bias