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Is Jon Ossoff Nancy Pelosi-light?

Is Jon Ossoff Nancy Pelosi-light?

“We’re proud that California is the leading funder of the Jon Ossoff campaign”

Democratic candidate Jon Ossoff will square off against Republican Karen Handel in the June 20th election for the seat formerly held by Rep. Tom Price who now serves as HHS Secretary.

As the runoff special election in Georgia’s sixth Congressional district nears the one-month-away mark, national Republican groups are running a slew of anti-Ossoff ads.

Ads running by the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF) paint Ossoff as a Nancy Pelosi acolyte.

This one by the NRCC called “Jon and Nancy” shows Ossoff flying first class with the House Minority Leader:

From AJC:

Republican groups hoping to thwart Democrat Jon Ossoff’s 6th District bid think they’ve found a sweet spot by linking him to Nancy Pelosi – and they’re showing no sign of letting up.

At least a half-dozen attack ads so far have tied Ossoff to the House Minority Leader, including the web video launched Thursday by the National Republican Congressional Committee that features “Jon and Nancy.”

It features a picture of Ossoff flying back from a Washington fundraiser hosted by Pelosi and quotes from newspaper clippings mentioning her name.

This hilarious ad by the CLF shows what are supposed to be hipster Californian’s excited about the prospect of an Ossoff win:

Not only is Ossoff getting substantial support from out of state, but he doesn’t even live in Georgia’s sixth district.

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4th armored div | May 12, 2017 at 5:47 pm

he doesn’t even live …
whass da prob ?
are we sure he is even a you ets citizen ?

the donkey’s ass party does not have a requirement for that either – do they ?

I do not live in the sixth district but I work there. The amount of money that jackwad is throwing away advertising is unreal. The funniest thing is whoever is setting up the radio adds is only looking at “top” markets for saturation. Most of those top markets are conservative talk radio. The host of the shows are slicing and dicing every talking point on the ads.

It is also interesting that a judge has opened voter registration back up. Is it a new election? What are the qualifications?

Freddie Sykes | May 12, 2017 at 8:30 pm

If I were from Georgia, I would be a big Ossoff support… except for the fact that Hillary has said I must always vote for a woman over a man or be proven a misogynist.