The American people are watching what’s happening on our college campuses and not many of them are impressed with what they see.
The College Fix reports:
Only 25 percent of Americans say higher education ‘is fine how it is,’ survey finds
If the American people were asked to grade the higher education system, it likely wouldn’t receive an A.
A poll from the think tank New America finds only 25 percent of respondents said higher education “is fine how it is.” In a report on the findings, Inside Higher Ed writes Americans see “the work force and societal value of getting a college degree” but aren’t satisfied with the status quo.
From the article:
Of concern for colleges and universities, just one in four of the survey’s respondents feel higher education is functioning fine the way it is. … A contributor to the widespread belief that higher education too often does not deliver on its promise, the survey found, is that 58 percent of respondents believe colleges put their own long-term interests first instead of those of their students.

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If you spend all of that time and money to learn to be a childish ass, you may have been an ass already.
My college, Claremont McKenna, has set aside academics in favor of one big grievance study experience.
How much lower than zero can you get? I have written off the entire education system, from pre-K through grad school.
Today, if you major in a hard science, engineering, or math, you will get a decent education. Most all else is a was of time. I have seen far too many graduate with degrees in silliness where they knew more as freshmen than they did upon graduation and all their degree confers is a formal recognition of their liberal indoctrination.