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Democrats in Congress Three Times as Likely as Republicans to be Ivy League Grads

Democrats in Congress Three Times as Likely as Republicans to be Ivy League Grads

Membership has its privileges.

This isn’t very surprising, is it? The party which is obsessed with privilege is the privileged party.

The American Interest reports:

The Party of the Ivy League

Democratic Congressmen are three times as likely to have attended an Ivy League college as their Republican counterparts, according to a new tally from the Chronicle of Higher Education—a striking shift from the year 2000, when Ivy Leaguers were equally represented in both caucuses.

This might reflect in part the growing Democratic dominance of congressional delegations from the Northeast, where the Ivy League is located. But it also illustrates, in a striking and original way, a broader trend that was discussed at length in the 2016 election cycle: the transformation of the Democrats into a party of the cosmopolitan establishment and the Republicans to the party of populism and nationalism (in tone if not necessarily in practice).

The Chronicle also finds that while Democrats were once more likely than Republicans to have attended public universities (48 to 41 percent in the Congress before the Gingrich revolution), that is no longer the case—Paul Ryan’s Republicans are eight points more likely than Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats to have earned their degree from a publicly-run institution. Although the Democratic Party has grown more vocal about increasing public funding for state universities, is is increasingly selecting candidates who were educated at private schools.


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