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Cosmopolitan Uses Image of Sikh Man in Tweet About Muslims

Cosmopolitan Uses Image of Sikh Man in Tweet About Muslims

When the PC crowd can’t get their own PC agenda together.

Tuesday, Cosmopolitan magazine’s official account, tweeted an image of a Sikh man offering free cab rides with the caption, “Muslim Taxi Drivers Took Kids Trying to Escape the Manchester Ariana Grande Concert Home for Free.” Which is great if they’d used a pic of a Muslim cab driver, alas…

The Sikh Press Association was understandably unhappy:

Cosmo later deleted the tweet. At the time this post was published, the Cosmo post, which focused entirely on the kindness of Muslim cab drivers, still used the picture of a Sikh man as its featured image.

Sikh, what does it mean?

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to rich white lieberals, all LBP look the same.

Just… wow. I guess facts (and accuracy) really are irrelevant.

It’s not as if it’s that difficult to tell a Moslem from a Sikh. You just have to know a little about each, which every educated person should, and to pay attention.

Did any teenage girls get a free taxi ride to Rotherham, accomodation, free alcohol, and hugs to help them over their trauma? Or is that just a thing of the Rotherham past?

Hey, they all look the same, right? /s

pilgrim1949 | May 24, 2017 at 12:46 pm

They’ve proved themselves to be not quite as “cosmopolitan” as they fancy themselves to be, yes?

But, but, but…he has a beard. Wait a minute…..Abraham Lincoln must have been a secret Muslim.