CHANGE: Egyptian Sheikh Faces Trial for Calling Christians ‘Infidels’

The last time Legal Insurrection visited the Land of the Nile, Pope Francis was refusing to use an armored car during his visit to Egypt.

Fortunately, one was not needed, and the Holy Father must have made quite an impression, especially after meeting with Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, Egypt’s President and proponent of an Islamic Reformation.

To start with, a noted Egyptian Islamic “scholar” has been canned from his television show and faces a trial after calling Christians “infidels”.

Salem Abdel-Galeel, television show host and a former deputy minister at the Ministry of Religious Endowments, is set to face trial for contempt of religion after describing Christians as non-believers.Abdel-Galeel, who has since been booted from Mehwar television channel where he hosted a religious television show, is accused of being in contempt of religion, threatening public peace, and inciting violence against Christians.On his show earlier this week, Abdel-Galeel claimed Christians had corrupted beliefs and were non-believers. The statements were roundly condemned by both Mehwar and religious officials. Some have even accused Abdel-Galeel of being a Muslim Brotherhood member and sympathizer. The Muslim Brotherhood was banned and labelled a terrorist organization by the Egyptian government following the ouster of former President Mohammed Morsi in 2013.The Ministry of Religious Endowments, where Abdel-Geleel once worked, said that Abdel-Geleel would be banned from giving religious sermons at mosques in Egypt.

To give you a sense of Abdel-Galeel’s questionable philosophy, here is a clip of a debate between him and a far more rational Egyptian, author Dr. Sayyed Al_Qemani, a Muslim who supports separation of religion and state, who has faced accusations of heresy himself.

Furthermore, a leading Egyptian official is now on his way to Italy to discuss an intriguing new vacation concept.

Egypt’s Tourism Minister Yehia Rashed headed to Rome in order to discuss with Vatican’s Tourism officials the possibility of promoting the Holy Family route in Egypt as part of religious tourism.According to a statement released by the Ministry, this visit comes as a part of Egypt’s efforts to add the journey of the Holy Family on Egypt’s religious tourism map.Jesus and the Holy Family are believed to have taken this route through Egypt to flee Palestine. The journey from the Palestinian town of Bethlehem through Egypt took the Holy Family, Joseph, Virgin Mary, and Jesus, about three years.This step is forecasted to attract a large number of tourists from all around the world.

I, for one, would be very interested in taking this particular tour! It would be a real blessing to see Egypt’s tourism and government recover from its experiment with the Muslim Brotherhood.

Tags: Culture, Egypt