Obama’s Triumphant Return . . . to Community Organizing in Chicago
Who says you can’t go home again?

After months of speculation about what Obama’s post-presidency would entail, we finally have our answer. No, he’s not going to start an impressive project that will salvage his name if not his presidency (as Carter did with the Carter Work Project tied to Habitat for Humanity). No, he’s not going to be Secretary General of the U. N., and no, he’s not going to retire gracefully from public life, maybe write yet another memoir or two.
Nope, Obama is going back to his community organizing roots and attending an event at the University of Chicago “for a conversation on community organizing and civic engagement.”
Former President Barack Obama will make his first public appearance Monday, hosting an event on civic engagement on his old stomping grounds at the University of Chicago.
The event, open to the public but with limited tickets, will bring together younger leaders and students “for a conversation on community organizing and civic engagement.”
. . . . “This event is part of President Obama’s post-presidency goal to encourage and support the next generation of leaders driven by strengthening communities around the country and the world,” the event program states.
I was never convinced that Obama really wanted to be president, so this return to community organizing is not particularly surprising. This event is right up his alley in that he’ll be waffling on about himself.
Politico continues:
The focus on younger leaders will be a significant part of his post-presidency, much of which is still being formulated. According to people familiar with the plans, Obama will talk about how people like those who are part of the event inspired him to get into politics when he was a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago.
The Chicago Tribune reminds us of Obama’s roots in the Chicago area.
The event will be a homecoming for Obama on multiple levels. He formerly taught constitutional law at U. of C., and his family has a home nearby in the Kenwood neighborhood. He gave his farewell address in January in the city that launched his political career. And the discussion with students lets the former president, who came to Chicago to work as a young community organizer, fulfill one of the commitments he set out for his post-presidential years: to engage and work with the country’s next generation of leaders, Lewis said.
According to the Chicago Tribune, Obama has been writing the latest of his memoirs. This will be the 55-year-old Obama’s third memoir; the first two were Dreams of My Father and The Audacity of Hope.

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“The event, open to the public but with limited tickets, ….”
No doubt a mob of masked Alt Right protesters will make an appearance armed with bike locks, baseball bats, and bottles with which to assault others at….
Oh. Wait. That’s what leftists do to their political opponents. Nevermind.
No doubt throngs of Obama’s adoring fans will swoon at the mere site of this Pulitzer prize winning citizen of the world as they eagerly await his dulcitone wisdom to ignite the imagination of their social justice passions.
And that’s just the media….
RE: ““The event, open to the public but with limited tickets”
In other words….they couldn’t give the darn things away!!!!
Pulitzer? Don’t know about that.
But remember Obama won a Piece of the Noballs Prize for doing nuthin’ at all – before he reported to work!
He got the Pulitzer for the memoirs he’s writing.
Fuzzy, the comedic “punch lines” to this almost write themselves.
Hee! I know, and all the ones I thought of were more than tempting!
I especially got a kick out of thinking of possible titles for his third memoir.
I found “What I did on my vacation from community organizing” particularly amusing.
But you know me, I hate to be snarky. /heh
Heh heh heh.
I was thinking it Obama could re-cycle one of Groucho Marx’s titles:
“Memoirs of a Mangy Lover.”
Will he pass along his campaign strategy, to the youth gangs in Chicago: “If they bring a knife, we bring a gun!”
Oh, wait. I think they already know that.
If Barry had only done the job if Presudent with 5% of the vigour of President Trump, Obamas Presidency wouldn’t have been half the car crash it was.
He almost destroyed the country, I wish he’d have golfed more and Presidented less.
Hope he’s drinking gallons of diet soda every day.
He needs to watch out for his own supporters, not the other side. If enough of his people hear the message of Ellison and others they might begin to feel betrayed by the light worker.
Everyone still sucking this con man’s schwantz.
To call him a con man is flattery. Call him what he is: a useful idiot of the left, only as good as the media frauds’ willingness to wipe his ass whenever he crapped himself In other words, his media diaper.
Why use this low life’ press photo, and instead use a photo of the real deal?
If that’s a press photo, strange, because he looks like he just got ‘high.’
“Obama’s Triumphant Return . . . to Community
OrganizingAgitation in Chicago”Fixed it for you!
“Those that stir the shitpot should have to lick the spoon.”
Barry should take his students on a tour of the communities he “organized,” so they can see first-hand how effective he was.
There was a reason he quit his “community organizing” job to go to law school — and it wasn’t because he was so successful at it.
He wasn’t too successful in law school, either.
So he’s founding a School For Parasites, then.
He’s not looking at the camera. Perhaps he’s reading what Mike and Val have written for him?
Obama has only one move.
When the only tool you have is a hammer…
That closet transvestite couldn’t swing a hammer any more than he can throw a baseball or ride a bike.
A third memoir by a self-involved, smug, narcissistic 55 year old. I can hardly wait to read what Ahers writes THIS time. /