Harvard Palestinian Solidarity Committee Stokes Fear With Fake Flyers About Detentions
“We regret to inform you that a resident of this dorm has been detained indefinitely”
Progressives have all sorts of dark fantasies about what isn’t happening under Trump. At Harvard, fake flyers about students being detained were put out by left wing groups recently.
The Harvard Crimson reported:
Fake ‘Investigation Unit’ Notice Sparks Controversy, Apologies
Mock notices from a purported “Harvard Special Investigations Unit” warning students that a resident of their dorm “has been detained indefinitely” sparked outrage from several students, who called the false flyers disturbing, and prompted the involved students groups to apologize.
Formally cosigned by Harvard Concilio Latino, the Harvard Islamic Society, and the Harvard Black Students Association and orchestrated by the Harvard Palestine Solidarity Committee, the flyer posed as a notice informing students about an ongoing investigation in the recipient’s dormitory.
“We regret to inform you that a resident of this dorm has been detained indefinitely due to suspicious actions, suspected violent inclinations, or suspicion of being a deportable alien (i.e. questionable residency status),” the flyers read.
The provocative notices—which included information about a panel Thursday on incarceration—went on to explain that though the flyers were not real, they hoped that the “unsettling nature” of the notice “allows Harvard community members to reflect on the reality of people who face these kinds of unwarranted disruptions.”
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In other words, as usual, the left is perpetrating crime.