Elijah Cummings Sees Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee, and Tim Kaine as Rising Stars of Dem Party

The one sure thing about politics that this Insurrectionist has learned can be summed up in two words: “things change.” So just like James Carville, who was wrong when in 2009 he wrote a book predicting that Dems would rule for 40 more years, it would be a bad mistake for Republicans to gloat, rest on their laurels, or assume they’ll control both houses of congress for the foreseeable future.

That said, the current sorry state of the Democrat party was put into sharp focus by Elijah Cummings on today’s Morning Joe. Asked by Donny Deutsch to mention three “up-and-coming stars in our party,” Dem Congressman Cummings named Adam Schiff, Barbara Lee, and Tim Kaine. Really?

Let’s consider those three “up-and-coming stars.”

Adam Schiff: He’s been getting considerable TV time lately in his role as ranking member of the House intelligence committee. And let’s grant that he projects a certain gravitas. But hard to see the California congressman having the charisma or cultural vibe to connect with the Middle American voters Hillary lost.

Barbara Lee: Is the Oakland congresswoman from the far-left reaches of American politics, who’s been in Congress for almost 20 years, a rising star capable of leading Dems back into power? Don’t think so.

Tim Kaine: Hillary’s losing running mate? Seriously? For that matter, if you asked 100 average Americans to name Hillary’s running mate, how many would remember Kaine? That’s how little of an impression he made.

So, back to the drawing boards for Dems in search of their rising stars. Say, I wonder what Walter Mondale is up to nowadays?

Tags: Adam Schiff, Democrats, Morning Joe, MSNBC