Ann Coulter Speech Cancelled at Berkeley Over Safety Concerns

UC Berkeley couldn’t (or wouldn’t) guarantee Ann Coulter’s safety, so her speech has been cancelled. In this case, leftists used the mere threat of violence to silence another conservative voice.

FOX News reports:

Ann Coulter cancels Berkeley event amid protests, says decision ‘a dark day for free speech in America’The hecklers used their veto.Conservative commentator Ann Coulter told Fox News on Wednesday she would no longer give a planned speech at UC Berkeley after Young America’s Foundation pulled its support for the event amid threats of violence, calling her decision “a dark day for free speech in America.”The speech was originally scheduled to take place Thursday – but Berkeley asked to postpone it until next month after protests over the planned speech grew into a nationally-watched firestorm.Coulter, YAF — which had helped organize and finance the event — and the Berkeley College Republicans initially fought the school’s decision, with YAF and the college Republicans filing a civil rights lawsuit on Monday. But by Wednesday YAF had “actively” opposed Coulter’s speech, she said, and “ordered the lawyer not [to] file for [a] court order” which would have mandated a room for the talk. The college Republicans are bound by YAF’s decision, Coulter said, “so there’s nothing more I can do.”

Ann discussed the issue with Sean Hannity last night:

Ann Coulter said universities like Berkeley, where she planned to speak before the event was canceled, are generally “radical.”She said that progressives on campus want to “destroy and squelch” conservatives’ free speech.Coulter added that even fellow progressives in the media and government like Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Joy Behar think some of the protesters’ actions have gone too far.”I’m not just some homeless person wondering onto the square, but I’d be allowed to speak then too,” she said.Coulter also criticized her Berkeley event sponsor for “running away,” saying the Republican Party should change its motto to “next time.”Coulter said the Young America’s Foundation, a conservative group, preferred a strongly-worded statement to a lawsuit against the university.

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Tags: Ann Coulter, College Insurrection, Free Speech