Elizabeth Warren howls over Trump replacement of U.S. Attorneys

Elizabeth Warren knows that both Obama and Bill Clinton dismissed U.S. attorneys after taking office. Yet she’s preparing to go to war over Trump doing it. Warren is just doing what she always does best. Playing to the far left base of her party.

Alan Yuhas reports at The Guardian:

Elizabeth Warren says Trump pushed out prosecutors to install ‘cronies’The progressive senator Elizabeth Warren accused Donald Trump of firing a prominent prosecutor to install “cronies” , warning on Sunday of “a massive fight” in the Senate over his picks for new US attorneys.On Saturday, Trump fired Preet Bharara, the US attorney of the southern district of Manhattan, where the prosecutor had pursued corruption cases against members of both the Republican and Democratic parties. In November, Bharara met with Trump and his nominee for attorney general, Jeff Sessions, and said he had “agreed to stay on” after conversations with both.But on Friday afternoon, Sessions abruptly ordered 46 prosecutors, nearly all appointees of Barack Obama, to resign “effective immediately”. Bharara refused to resign and was fired, saying in a brief public statement: “One hallmark of justice is absolute independence, and that was my touchstone every day that I served.”…Warren said the president “wants people like AG Sessions, a loyalist who lied to the Senate about meeting with the Russians”, alluding to Session’s failure, under oath, to disclose his own conversations with the ambassador.

Warren has been sounding off on Twitter:

Kathryn Blackhurst of Polizette has more:

Warren Vows Obstruction of Trump U.S. AttorneysSen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) promised to use President Donald Trump’s firing of a U.S. attorney in New York Saturday as a launching pad for a “massive fight” with a renewed series of Democrat-led political obstruction during a Twitter tirade Sunday.The progressive Massachusetts senator was reacting to the firing of federal prosecutor Preet Bharara Saturday after Bharara refused to submit his resignation. The call for Bharara’s resignation came Friday when Attorney General Jeff Sessions asked 46 of the remaining U.S. attorneys appointed by former President Barack Obama to submit their resignations. Every new presidential administration appoint new candidates to fill at least some of the 93 U.S. attorney districts nationwide.

This is nothing more than naked politics. Warren sees herself a leader of the “resistance” movement on the left.

She sees this as an opportunity, nothing more.

Tags: Elizabeth Warren, Trump Appointments