Trump Wine Boycott Backfires. Bigly.

The hysteria surrounding the election of President Trump has seeped into retail.  From Ivanka products to Trump wine, the regressive left is trying to rouse Americans to boycott all things Trump.

Last week, some group of crybaby leftists demanded that Wegmans stop selling Trump wine because they don’t like Trump.  When they learned that they couldn’t bully Wegmans, they instead put out a call for Wegmans’ shoppers to stop buying Trump wine.

Predictably, this had the exact opposite effect, with Trump wine flying off the shelves and into Trump supporters’ shopping carts.

Stop Trump Wine” explains its position:

In spite of his election, we will work every day of his presidency to remind Trump and his supporters that we will not condone the bigotry, racism, and misogyny that he and his allies demonstrate.Events during Donald Trump’s campaign made it clear that Eric Trump, the president of Trump Winery in Charlottesville, Virginia, shares the views of his father.Let’s demonstrate through economic action that the residents and business owners of Charlottesville will not stand for the hatred espoused by Eric Trump and those like him.

They also have a list of “goals”:

Needless to say, they offer no evidence whatsoever of their charges against the Trump family, and instead, simply parrot the standard line about “implementing and supporting policies of hate” and other predictably unfounded and insupportable rantings.

The public response has indeed shown what the residents and business owners think of such politically-motivated attacks . . . it’s just not what the “Stop Trump Wine” whiners expected.

USA Today reports:

A politically motivated boycott of Wegmans over sales of Trump-branded wines in Virginia?Some Rochester-area shoppers are calling it nonsense.”Wegmans is being ethical by not letting a political interest group persuade them to pull a brand of wine,” said Andy Frey, a Henrietta resident who is no fan of President Trump. “They are being the ethical party in a free market economy.”

Fortune magazine’s article describing the unintended result of the boycott is erroneously titled:  “Trump Wine Flying Off Shelves at Wegman’s Despite Trump Boycott.”

Nope.  It’s flying off the shelves because of the boycott.

Fortune reports:

A group that called for Wegmans shoppers to boycott Trump-branded wine probably won’t be happy to hear that instead, bottles from Trump Winery are flying off the shelves in Virginia stores.According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, the wine has sold out at two Richmond-area Wegmans stores, and the eight other locations in Virginia have also sold out of all or some varieties of the Trump Winery wines they carry.Jo Natale, vice president of media relations for Wegmans, told the Times-Dispatch that the ten Virginia Wegmans had plenty of Trump wine in stock before the calls to boycott, and sales have soared since then.”How a product performs is our single measure for what stays on our shelves and what goes,” Natale said. (Wegmans refused to bow to the pressure to take Trump wine of its shelves.) “Individual shoppers who feel strongly about an issue can demonstrate their convictions by refusing to buy a product. When enough people do the same, and sales of a product drop precipitously, we stop selling that product in favor of one that’s in greater demand.”So far it appears just the opposite is happening with Trump wine.

Watch the report:

Tags: Trump Derangement Syndrome