Trump bows out of White House Correspondents Association “Nerd Prom”

The White House Correspondents Association annual dinner is referred to by the members as “Nerd Prom.”

Is there possibly a more annoying title in the world? They are not nerds. But they do think of themselves as being smarter than their readers and viewers.

It’s a disgusting spectacle of insiders patting insiders on the back, and the in-the-know crowd rubbing of self-important elbows. Inevitably, “conservative” correspondents hoping to be accepted into the fold attend.

Philip Bump of WaPo nailed it with this 2015 post, ‘Nerd Prom’ is a gross, self-congratulatory name for the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Stop.:

It’s the braggiest of humblebrags. The goal here, in the eternal, unhappy way of D.C. trying to prove itself, is to imply that attendees are savvy wonks who had to be dragged away from their statistical analyses of Jeb Bush’s record as governor, cleaned up and made to have a free meal. “We’re just nerds trying to have some fun,” we can see Killer Mike, guest of the Huffington Post, saying to a camera. “I’d really rather be at home reading Sophocles in the original Greek.”Give it up. This isn’t an event for nerds, it’s an event for people to be on TV and hang out with the president. It’s more nerdy than the Oscars, sure. But is it less nerdy than, say, the Daytime Emmys? Probably not. Call it “Washington Prom,” or “D.C.’S Big Night Out.” Suggesting it’s nerdy, though, is like the 40-year-old guy who hears a new slang term six months late and starts using it around his kid. Awkward, wrong and dumb. (But maybe “Fleek Prom” will work.)

It’s no secret that the type of people who attend Nerd Prom hate Trump. To them, the nerdiest Nerd Prom ever was when Trump was mocked ny Obama:

And also Seth Myers:

That public display is credited, at least in part, with motivating Trump to run for and win the presidency.

Don’t get mad, get even.

Now Trump is in open war with Nerd Prom-ers. They hate him, tried to prevent him from winning, tried to corrupt the Electoral College, and now want him out of office.

In light of recent changes in how the press is handled by the Trump administration, various news organizations, such as CNN, already announced that they were considering canceling their after-parties. (Like anyone gives a crap about their after-parties.)

Trump just announced on Twitter that he will not attend. But he does wish everyone well.

Oh, I’m sure there will be a round of criticism of Trump for not going along and playing along. But why should he? For national unity? With that crowd?

That crowd, by the way, simultaneously pretends not to care and is lashing out at Trump with a fury.

Tags: Media Bias, Trump Press Relations