Murkowski, Collins Will Not Vote for DeVos

Betsy DeVos, President Donald Trump’s pick for Education Secretary, may have escaped her Senate committee hearing, but she just lost two Republicans on the Senate floor. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine told the Senate that neither one can vote to confirm DeVos:

“I come to the floor to announce a very difficult decision that I have made, and that is to vote against the confirmation of Betsy DeVos to be our nation’s next secretary of Education,” Collins said from the Senate floor.Collins specifically pointed to DeVos’s “lack of familiarly” with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, saying she was “troubled and surprised.”

Murkowski has too many concerns about DeVos:

“I have serious concerns about a nominee to be secretary of Education … who has been so immersed in the discussion of vouchers,” Murkowski said.”I do not intend to vote on final passage to support Ms Devos to be secretary of Education,” she said.She added that the DeVos’s nomination was a “personal” decisions and that her office had been flooded with calls from constituents opposing Trump’s pick.”I have heard from thousands, truly thousands, of Alaskans who shared their concerns,” she said.”I do not intend to vote on final passage to support Ms Devos to be secretary of Education,” she said.

If DeVos loses another Republican, the Senate will not confirm her.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer thinks DeVos will become the next education secretary:

Tags: Trump Appointments, US Senate