How UNRWA incites Palestinian children to violence and antisemitism

The U.S. is the largest donor (pdf.) to The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), contributing $380 million in 2015.

We previously have reported how UNRWA indoctrinates Palestinian children to hate Jews and incites violence, VIDEO – How UN Refugee agency teaches children to hate and attack Jews:

We recently showed a video about how Palestinian incitement to violence is generated both top-down from the Palestinian Authority, and bottom-up through social media, VIDEO: No truly “Lone Wolves” in the Palestinian Knife IntifadaA newly released video expands on the problem of incitement.The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is notorious for helping to perpetuate the Middle East conflict, among other ways, by perpetuating the “refugee” status of Arab refugees created during the civil war and Arab invasion at the end of the British Mandate for Palestine. These refugees are unique in that other Arab countries refuse to integrate them or allow citizenship, while UNRWA uniquely counts even subsequent generations as “refugees.”But UNRWA does much worse. It helps incite violence against and hatred of Jews through bigoted education. A recent film and study released (h/t Elder of Ziyon) demonstrates the problem, Filmmaker Calls for UNRWA ‘Self-Introspection’ Over Palestinian Classroom Incitement:

UN Watch just released a 130-page report, Poisoning Palestinian Children – Report on UNRWA Incitement (full embed at bottom of post). The report was presented earlier this month to the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The Executive Summary to the Report describes the overall nature of the evidence presented:

This report exposes more than 40 Facebook pages operated by school teachers, principals, and other employees of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which incite to terrorism or antisemitism. The report is divided by region, and includes UNRWA staffers in Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza and Syria. These cases are additional to the 30 cases of incitement revealed at the end of 2015 by UN Watch.The examples of incitement in this report include UNRWA teachers and staffers celebrating the terrorist kidnapping of Israeli teenagers, cheering rockets being fired at Israeli civilian centers, endorsing various forms of violence, erasing Israel from the map,praising Hitler and posting his photo, and posting overtly antisemitic videos, caricatures, and statements.

The following recommendations are made:

In light of the foregoing, UN Watch urges all donor states—and in particular the U.S., the EU, the UK and Canada—to:(a) Demand that UNRWA be in full compliance with its obligations, including each of the provisions outlined above, prior to donor states releasing any further funds to UNRWA;(b) Demand that UN Secretary-General António Guterres and UNRWA Commissioner General Pierre Krähenbühl immediately condemn their employees’ incitement to terrorism and antisemitism; and(c) Demand that UNRWA adopt a zero tolerance policy for employees who incite racism or murder by immediately terminating them, and prominently post on its website these and other actions it is taking to root out this insidious conduct by UN staff.

This video demonstrates much of the incitement:

The U.S. is one of the largest donors to UNRWA. It’s time either for UNRWA to stop the incitement, or to lose U.S. taxpayer dollars.


Poisoning Palestinian Children – UNW Report on UNRWA Incitement by UN Watch on Scribd

Tags: Palestinian Incitement, United Nations