Heinz Gave Employees Paid Day Off Instead of Buying Super Bowl Ad Spot

Money well spent.

From aPlus:

Kraft Heinz announced on Wednesday that they’d be giving all of their salaried employees a paid day off rather than purchasing commercial ad time during the Super Bowl. All salaried employees – the decision does not impact factory workers – will have the Monday after the Super Bowl off this year.The Daily Mail reports that the food company employs over 42,000 salaried workers.In addition, the ketchup kingpins started a petition to have the Monday after the Super Bowl – “Smunday” – made into a national holiday, citing statistics indicating that over 16 million people call in sick to work on that day every year.The company says that if the petition reaches 100,000 signatures, it will be sent to Congress.As of Friday afternoon, the petition had already reached over 32,000 signatures in just two days.

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Tags: Culture, Food