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Fired Acting AG Sally Yates now “a symbol of the anti-Trump resistance”

Fired Acting AG Sally Yates now “a symbol of the anti-Trump resistance”

Get ready for political candidate Sally Yates.

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, fired for insubordination after she told DOJ not to defend Trump’s immigration Executive Order, is being held up as a new hero by the left for doing so.

She attended an event on race in Atlanta this week and got a standing ovation.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported:

Sally Yates gets hero’s welcome at Atlanta race panel discussion:

Sally Yates in 2020?

That was the hot half-joking question Wednesday night as the former acting attorney general made one of her first public appearances — at the Carter Presidential Library — since being fired by President Donald Trump for refusing to impose his controversial refugee ban.

Yates, who was sitting in the audience during a race panel that featured author Michael Eric Dyson, activist DeRay McKesson and Yates’ former boss, Eric Holder, was asked by a member of the audience whether she was interested in running for office.

“I am just here in the audience,” Yates said, so quietly that moderator Douglas Blackmon had to repeat it.

Earlier, Yates walked into the auditorium alongside Holder to a standing ovation. Holder held his hand over Yates’ head and urged the crowd.

Later, in what could have been a Freudian slip or a hint at his own future, the former attorney general under Barack Obama yelled, “Holder/Yates: 2020!”

Someone yelled back, “Yates/Holder!”

Professor Jacobson called it on Twitter:

Democrats don’t have much to lose at this point and are already urging her to jump into the race for governor in Georgia. Politico reports:

Georgia Democrats try to lure Sally Yates into governor’s race

Sally Yates saw her public profile soar after she defied President Donald Trump’s controversial travel ban. Now, Georgia Democratic operatives and politicians are hoping the former acting attorney general will cash in some of that political capital with a gubernatorial run.

Yates received a standing ovation Wednesday night at a panel on race relations in Atlanta during one of her first public appearances since the end of her tumultuous 10-day tenure as the acting attorney general.

“I don’t think you can think of any possible candidates in Georgia and not mention Sally Yates’ name right now,” said Tharon Johnson, who was the national southern regional director for Obama’s 2012 campaign and a former adviser to Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed. “She’s a symbol of hope and resistance when it comes to standing up to Donald Trump.”

State Sen. Elena Parent of Atlanta, who has introduced a resolution looking to commend Yates in the state senate, called her “a hometown hero” who stood up for the constitution.

“She is a symbol of the anti-Trump resistance sweeping this country, and if this next election is a referendum on Trump, then that’s a very good place to be,” Parent said.

Had she defied President Obama in such a public way, the left would have called her a traitor but none of that matters now.

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Bring her on… a nobody bureaucrat who’s on the wrong side of not only the rule of law, but popular sentiment as well. Even better, she and Lieawatha would make perfect running mates to lose in 2020.

She has such a long and distinguished… er, what?

Sally Yates, Sally Kohn….does naming a daughter Sally make’em weird?

Humphrey's Executor | February 18, 2017 at 8:39 pm

This gal is a Democrat Party foot soldier on par with Lois Lerner.

Maybe she would calm down a bit if someone politely mentioned the various charges which could be leveled at her for her conduct.

There has been noise that Yates was part of the group that refused to give the FBI an investigating grand jury to properly investigate Hillary Clinton’s email server.

Sally Yates to cover-up consequences of waging social justice, elective regime changes, and immigration reform including refugee crises; and disenfranchising Americans.

She has “Lefty Smug Face” down pat.

Sure to go over great with the general electorate.

Please note that Sally Yates is a Georgia Yates by marriage only and is in no way related to other Georgia Yates such as John P Yates, a WWII vet who served in the Georgia legislature for 20+ years or Peter Yates, who fought in the revolutionary war,

    tyates in reply to tyates. | February 19, 2017 at 4:41 pm

    Just to clarify, yes I am upset that Sally Yates shares my last name, but I was actually trying to make a serious point. In Georgia, the last name of Yates means something. You’d definitely expect a Yates to have visited Stone Mountain a couple times with a few pecan pies in the cooler while spending the whole trip telling the young folk why there never was a more evil bastard than Sherman and how one of the Six Flags used to be a confederate.

    Does Sally Yates really look like that kind of person? There’s no way anyone outside urban Atlanta or maybe Decatur votes for her.

VetHusbandFather | February 18, 2017 at 10:41 pm

So she’s a hero to the left because… she just did what any other leftie would do in the same position. They must be so excited that she had the courage to stand up and act in her own self-interest.

She’s just another cog in the leftist wheel.

No one is voting for leftist wheels anymore.

BTW, anyone notice her smugness? – Much like Hillary ‘Why Do I Only Have 50%’ Clinton; that idiot DA in Baltimore; and Obama’s ‘Mussolini’ pose after he got elected.

Look where they all are today.

Reminds me of Wendy Davis……..remember her?

Giant FAIL. As is this pathetic law-breaker.

See here to read about LOSER Wendy Davis. #PinkSneakers #TXGovernor #NOT

So, Miss Yates, if you have an employee who refuses to carry out your orders in a way that makes you look like an idiot on the national news, will you fire that employee?

Same DoJ Sally Yates that informed the WH of Gen Flynn’s phone conversations?? likely a Federal Crime by the DoJ.. yep that Yates

“She’s a symbol of hope and resistance when it comes to standing up to Donald Trump.”

Yeah, that worked really well.

I see there a paragon of professional incompetence, unprincipled lawlessness, quixotic folly, and abject defeat. Not quite a magic formula for electoral success.

Yet even after doubling down on this foolishness—which the D’rats almost always do—the Party will manage to hang on.

The only reason such a disgraceful bunch hasn’t become a mere historical footnote by now is that the Republicans are a major-league screwup party, too; and if it hadn’t just been hijacked by an unusually dynamic individual, Yates and her sleazy cronies would be running the government … again.

Grooming Yates as a Democrat candidate is pure genius…leftist style. They really do not get it.

Yeats on Yates: …And what rough beast, its hour come round at last/Slouches towards Washington to suborn?

same Former DoJ Sally Yates that reported recording Gen Flynn’s Phone Conversations.. it’s time for a Grand Jury to begin prosecution of Yates for approving illegal wiretaps

This why we need a special prosecutor for Hillary. To root out the minions living in the swamp of the Witch Queen of Arkansas, as no doubt Miss Yates is.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to RodFC. | February 20, 2017 at 1:09 pm

    Remember Hillary is Chicago, born, bred and raised.

    She was just the “STD” injected into Arkansas by Bill……

Sammy Finkelman | February 20, 2017 at 2:42 pm

Sally Yates came up with th peculiar theory that because <ike Glynn had evidently lied to Mike Pence, he could be blackmailed by the Russians.

Maybe he could be, but not about that.